Bonfire Magic

It’s that time of year again. The Bonfire Boys Flag flies over The Landgate and preparations are being made for the annual invasion of the streets of Rye by pirates, witches, Kings and Queens, skeletons, wenches, Cavaliers and Roundheads. Continue reading Bonfire Magic

Antique or just old?

By Arthur Woodgate

Writing about outside of Rye’s defence wall, it came to me that some of the property inside was not as antique as we might think. Yes there are footings all over where we can see buildings. Continue reading Antique or just old?

Shaky Isles

Ryer John Wallbank, who emigrated to New Zealand many years ago has
kept in close touch with the home of his birth and has contributed
several articles to “Rye’s Own” since the Millennium. We asked him
to give us a story on the Earthquake at Christchurch. Continue reading Shaky Isles

Bonfire Magic

Its that time of year again. The Bonfire Boys Flag flies over The Landgate and preparations are being made for the annual invasion of the streets of Rye by pirates, witches, Kings and Queens, skeletons, wenches, Cavaliers and Roundheads. The Bonfire Societies are almost exclusively from East Sussex and have a history that goes back even before the fateful night that Guy Fawkes and his cronies attempted to blow up Parliament. Continue reading Bonfire Magic

Brenzett Aero Museum

Two aircraft stand motionless in the corner of a field near Brenzett round-a-bout. All who pass that way cannot have failed to have seen them. What message have these two relics of a past era got for the young people of today’s modern World? Continue reading Brenzett Aero Museum

Rye Fawkes 2005

Bonfire Flag Will Fly Over the Landgate

On Saturday 12 November the Bonfire Boys flag will fly over the Landgate as it has done so many times in the past. It is hoisted before dawn so that Ryers can see it announcing the big day in the Bonfire Society year from first light. Continue reading Rye Fawkes 2005

Jimper’s Jottings May 2005

April Showers

April lived up to its usual self. A taste of days to come then the following day the weather we experienced was cold and dreary. Haze from the water turned many a night into a wonderland hanging above the marsh and letting the tops of the bushes of thorn and willow grace the sky.

Two days of light rain on the fourteenth and fifteenth was a boon to the young growth emerging. A few mallard duck broods I saw were huge, many totalling over the dozen. With the mild weather they should manage to grow into adults. Continue reading Jimper’s Jottings May 2005

Rye Bonfire 66


It was so wet that even the mermaid had to have an umbrella, but pouring rain throughout the whole of the Bonfire Society’s 1966 Rye Fawkes Celebrations did not dampen the spirits of the thousands who had come to watch the annual spectacle. Continue reading Rye Bonfire 66

The Happiest Rye Fawkes

The Happiest Rye Fawkes

The Emergency Ward Ten team that came to Rye for the Bonfire Celebrations produced the Town’s happiest ever Rye Fawkes in the person of Pamela Duncan, better known as “Sister Doughty.” The celebrities conducted the judging of the tableaux as the procession passed the George Hotel in the High Street. Their unanimous choice for first prize, both in its class and overall, to Witches Potion, a Continue reading The Happiest Rye Fawkes