“Rye’s Own” Cartoonist

Charlie Coleman 1921-2006.

Jimper’s Tribute

Early in July a great friend of many in Rye & Iden passed away after many months of illness. Never letting on to anyone, except his immediate family, about his condition. News of his death came as a shock to all his many friends.

I along with many more have fond memories of a man that would do anything for anyone. Charlie did his bit for his country in the war in Burma then returned to live in Iden. Continue reading “Rye’s Own” Cartoonist

Rye Bonfire 66


It was so wet that even the mermaid had to have an umbrella, but pouring rain throughout the whole of the Bonfire Society’s 1966 Rye Fawkes Celebrations did not dampen the spirits of the thousands who had come to watch the annual spectacle. Continue reading Rye Bonfire 66