Rye Bonfires of the Past


Recapture Moments from the Past, Worthy of Preservation.

Sixty years ago in 1945 the Second World War had just reached it’s terrible conclusion with the discovery of the death camps in Europe and the dropping of two atom bombs on Japan. Continue reading Rye Bonfires of the Past

Forty Years Since The First “Rye’s Own

Back in 1965, as Bonfire Night approached, a new magazine appeared in the newsagents of the town. “Rye’s Own” was born. Volume 1, Number 1 it read on the cover, the price was two shillings (10p). Rodney Booth, now manager at Skinner’s Motors, was among the Bonfire Boys featured on the cover at their secret hideaway where the torches were made to light the procession on the great night. Continue reading Forty Years Since The First “Rye’s Own

Rye Bonfire 66


It was so wet that even the mermaid had to have an umbrella, but pouring rain throughout the whole of the Bonfire Society’s 1966 Rye Fawkes Celebrations did not dampen the spirits of the thousands who had come to watch the annual spectacle. Continue reading Rye Bonfire 66