Peter Robert Dee MBE


11th February 1927 to 1st February 2017

Early Life

Peter was born in Herne Bay, Kent to Richard George James Dee and Herminie Anna Hilda Dee (nee Wedge). He had one older brother, Denis.

They moved to Rye in about 1932 and initially lived in one of the pre-fabricated cottages in West Undercliffe, opposite the water pumping station. They moved to Udimore Road in 1936 and Peter lived in the same house for the rest of his life.

Peter attended the Freda Gardham Secondary Modern School in New Road until he left aged about 14. Peter, his mother and Denis were evacuated during the war, but were only away for 8 weeks as they missed Rye too much. At school he received the cane once. King George V and Queen Mary visited Rye and the Headmaster had forbidden any pupils to go and see them. However Peter and a couple of his mates thought this was too good an opportunity to miss and slipped Continue reading Peter Robert Dee MBE

What Has Changed Since August 2005?


By Jim Hollands

Looking Back

(Written in 2012)

Looking back seven years to the August 2005 issue of “Rye’s Own” I came across the following piece I wrote at that time which contained predictions of what could happen to Rye during the following eight years. I was interested to know how accurate I had been with just one year of the eight left to run.  Continue reading What Has Changed Since August 2005?

The Power of Wellbeing

An opportunity for Rye Town Council to put action to the words

By Jim Hollands

It’s all gone quiet at Rye Town Hall – All the build up and work that went into gaining ‘Quality Town Status’ and earning a framed certificate and the elusive ‘Power of Wellbeing’ has come to nothing, just as those who thought up the scheme probably knew it would end! Continue reading The Power of Wellbeing


Dear Editor,

Can I correct you on your piece in the latest edition of “Rye’s Own”. Sonia Holmes was Chairman 2007/08 of the Policy and Resources Committee at RTC and not Public Services Committee of which I have been Chairman over the past two years. Continue reading Pen&Ink

Six Million Pound school

Here it is! The proposed £6,000,000 new Primary School to be built
in the grounds of the Thomas Peacocke replacing both the Freda Gardham
in New Road and the Tilling Green Primary in Mason Road. Continue reading Six Million Pound school

£6,000,000 New Primary School

Here it is! The proposed £6,000,000 new Primary School to be built in the grounds of the Thomas Peacocke replacing both the Freda Gardham in New Road and the Tilling Green Primary in Mason Road. Continue reading £6,000,000 New Primary School

Town Crier – January 2006

By Jim Hollands


Wyn Remembers

I have recently spent a lot of time visiting Wyn Vincent in Rye Memorial Care Centre and reminiscences of old Ryers got our minds working back to those times, prewar for her and post war for me, when this town was so rich in real characters. Continue reading Town Crier – January 2006

Town Crier

                    News And Gossip Pages

Campaign For A Democratic Rye

The work of the Campaign for a Democratic Rye Group is aimed entirely at restoring power and decision making locally. It seeks to encourage Rye Councillors to face up to Rother and claim back what was taken from it in 1974. At the Public Meeting, held at the Rye Community Centre in November the numbers of people attending were a bit better than those that attend meetings of the Town Council, perhaps there is a message here somewhere. Continue reading Town Crier

Tesco Store a Fait Accompli

Rye M.P. Michael Foster revealed at a meeting aimed at stopping the giant retail chain Tesco from coming to Rye that “It’s a done deal” and there is very little that can be done to prevent a large store being built on the Ferry Road old Primary School site unless Rother District Council refuses planning permission. Even then Tesco could appeal to the Secretary for State who has the power to over ride the local refusal. Continue reading Tesco Store a Fait Accompli

Town Crier

                              News and Gossip Pages

By Jim Hollands

                            50 Years Ago

The amazing picture on the centre pages represents a generation of Rye history. The photograph was taken in the Drill Hall for what was almost certainly a Dance put on by 2274 Squadron (Rye) Air Training Corps. Percy Mitchell, the Rye ATC Commanding Officer is seen seated with two Air Force Officers, probably from R.A.F. Rye, the Home Chain Radar Station, locally known as ‘The Pylons’. The Pylons were at Kent Ditch Corner and the living accommodation for the unit was further on, where the Filipino Village is today. Continue reading Town Crier