Rye Pounds Anyone?

By Barry Floyd

Lewes, the county town of East Sussex, is carrying out a most interesting experiment; promoting its own currency for use in local shops around the community. At a time when the pound is falling in value in global financial markets it is encouraging to note such an enterprising venture and one hopes the Lewes initiative succeeds. The current vogue for localism lies at the heart of the move. It is designed to support and promote local businesses and could bring real benefits to Lewes traders and producers. Continue reading Rye Pounds Anyone?

Pen & Ink December 2008

Dear Editor.

In your October issue Rye’s Own you ran a feature entitled have Health & Safety Regulations gone too far? May I suggest it’s not the regulations at fault but the job’s worth’s who interpret them. These examples are from a company safety magazine. Continue reading Pen & Ink December 2008

Town Crier – January 2006

By Jim Hollands


Wyn Remembers

I have recently spent a lot of time visiting Wyn Vincent in Rye Memorial Care Centre and reminiscences of old Ryers got our minds working back to those times, prewar for her and post war for me, when this town was so rich in real characters. Continue reading Town Crier – January 2006