Bonfire Boys Christmas Collection

Have fun and help others – That should be the motto of the Rye Bonfire Society. Already, just a few weeks after their fantastic efforts on Rye Fawkes Night, where all the money collected is presented to local charities, they are back on the streets raising money to for the 2005 Celebrations. Continue reading Bonfire Boys Christmas Collection

Bring Power Back To The Area

Let Rye, Winchelsea and the villages unite to bring power back to the area.

by Arthur Woodgate

All the recent arguments about the new doctors surgery make one think of the general deterioration of the importance of Rye. Continue reading Bring Power Back To The Area

Wharehouses At The Strand

From a water colour by Austin Bloomfield

The warehouses at The Strand still stand today. They are a reminder of Rye’s maritime past when many ships used to dock in The Strand and unload their cargos of grain, timber, basic slag, coal etc. into these and other warehouses and yards dotted around the area. Continue reading Wharehouses At The Strand

Rye Festival of Local Food

 June 21st to June 27th

East Sussex is County of natural plenty.

Did you know that wine making in the area dates back to Roman times?

Did you know that Queen Elisabeth I highly praised the Rye Bay Catch ?

Did you know that in our ancient woodlands wild boar roam? Did you know that we have 3 organic farms within a few miles of Rye? Did you know that Rye, Winchelsea and area has over 50 hotels, bars and restaurants to eat and drink local produce from the sea, shore and land? Continue reading Rye Festival of Local Food

Watchbell Street c 1875

This photograph of Watchbell street was taken by Edwin Thomas Gasson of 21, King Street (Landgate); his most active period as a photographer seems to have been 1870 – 1881 but earlier photographs are known. I would date this photograph as, early to mid 1870’s. Continue reading Watchbell Street c 1875

Farewell Spike

“I don’t mind dying as long as I am not around when it happens.”

The words above were one of Spike Milligan’s ‘off the cuff ‘ answers. He also claimed he wanted to outlive Harry Secombe as he didn’t want him singing at his funeral. Continue reading Farewell Spike

The Magic of Rye

By Jo’ Vincent

What gives Rye it’s special appeal? Some say the magnetic quality is centred on the Quarter Boys who guard the Church Clock and ring out the quarters. Old Rhodes did say “The sound of the Quarter Boys will draw you further than gunpowder can blow you”. This has proved the case so many times when old Ryers, who have spent many years overseas return to the town where they were brought up. Continue reading The Magic of Rye

Piracy and the Cinque Ports


By Rya

“From the remote past down to the middle of the fourteenth century.” writes Neville Wil­liams. “the line dividing legitimate trade from piracy was blurred, for one and the same individual followed what would later become four different professions—fisherman, trader. pirate and naval officer.” As there were no Continue reading Piracy and the Cinque Ports