Fifty years seems a long time but looking back to 1965 from 2015 it seems not so long at all.
“Rye’s Own” was started with the intention that it should report and support Rye. There can be no doubt that it has always done that, although in those early days Rye Borough Council was running the town’s affairs in a very efficient and effective way and the magazine did not find itself at the forefront of political confrontation as it does in this modern age. Continue reading 50 Years The Royal Visit
I went down to Rye with my daughter to discover more about the exceptional circumstances which had led to my parents’ house being flooded in November 1960.
I had been living in London at the time and had just completed the preliminary exams which took place half way through my Physiotherapy training. I was desperate to go home to unwind and relax. On the morning of that day I woke with a start to the strident ringing of the telephone. I had glanced at my watch as I stumbled out of bed 6.30am! My brain froze – who would be ringing at that hour Continue reading Going Home to Rye
The Mayor & Mayoress of Military Road, Councillor Albert and Mayoress Flo Booth. How many more can you name from the 1950 pick of Military Road talent in the photograph below?
Albert Booth-The Mayor of Military Road
Tilling Green and Landgate had Mock Mayors too
The Mayor & Mayoress of Military Road, Councillor Albert and Mayoress Flo Booth. How many more can you name from the 1950 pick of Military Road talent in the photograph below?
Albert Booth-The Mayor of Military Road
Albert Booth-The Mayor of Military Road Tilling Green and Landgate had Mock Mayors too
Landgate also had its own Mayor and Tilling Green followed on with the old tradition of unofficial leaders of each section of the town.
The role was more academic than civic but they were part of every Carnival and Bonfire Night until the mid 70’s. After that they just became a memory.
Sid Pinwill The Mayor of Tilling Green 1953
Who would be the Mayor of Military Road now? Our guess would be Town Councillor David Wright.
For Tilling Green, a difficult one this. I feel rather biased as this was where I spent my very happy childhood. Sid Pinwill (Father of Robert of Mermaid fame) was Mayor of Tilling Green in 1953, the year of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth the Second.
David Smeed
For 2008 I would choose Bobby Edwards he has the dignity and experience needed or perhaps David Smeed, who has that undefined style that all great leaders possess.
Who would your choices be? Let us know about them and include a photograph, it could be a bit of fun and you never know, perhaps these three old titles could be revived.
From “Rye’s Own” May 2008 issue
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“Come on Sonia” was a cry often heard on the Military Road during the past year as one of our senior Tuesday riders struggled to keep up a brisk pace required to get someone home to Rye before they got into trouble with their other half. Continue reading Come on Sonia
The enclosed copy photograph is of the Tug-of War Team of the Cinque Ports volunteer Reserve. They were the champion team at the Brigade Camp in 1895 photographed with their individual Cups displayed on the table before them. Continue reading Pen & Ink
Reg Weeks was born at 2 Bridge Place, Rye, Sussex on the 1st February, 1907. His parents were married in the Registry Office on 30th November, 1901 and their first child, Elsie was born a month later. Alice was relieved that Reg was born healthy, her previous baby had been stillborn and her first child. Elsie, was now five years old. She would soon begin to take in washing again to supplement her husband Charles’ earnings as a bricklayer. Continue reading The Life and Times of Reg Weeks
What a wonderful holiday season, crammed with seasonal gatherings. Jo’ and I attended an amazing variety of family functions, a ‘Tarts & Vicars Christmas Birthday Bash’, several Dinner Parties and a Twelfth Night event that we put on at our house. Continue reading Town Crier