By Jim Hollands
The Mayor & Mayoress of Military Road, Councillor Albert and Mayoress Flo Booth. How many more can you name from the 1950 pick of Military Road talent in the photograph below?

Albert Booth-The Mayor of Military Road
Tilling Green and Landgate had Mock Mayors too
The Mayor & Mayoress of Military Road, Councillor Albert and Mayoress Flo Booth. How many more can you name from the 1950 pick of Military Road talent in the photograph below?
Albert Booth-The Mayor of Military Road
Albert Booth-The Mayor of Military Road Tilling Green and Landgate had Mock Mayors too
Landgate also had its own Mayor and Tilling Green followed on with the old tradition of unofficial leaders of each section of the town.
The role was more academic than civic but they were part of every Carnival and Bonfire Night until the mid 70’s. After that they just became a memory.

Who would be the Mayor of Military Road now? Our guess would be Town Councillor David Wright.
For Tilling Green, a difficult one this. I feel rather biased as this was where I spent my very happy childhood. Sid Pinwill (Father of Robert of Mermaid fame) was Mayor of Tilling Green in 1953, the year of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth the Second.

For 2008 I would choose Bobby Edwards he has the dignity and experience needed or perhaps David Smeed, who has that undefined style that all great leaders possess.
Who would your choices be? Let us know about them and include a photograph, it could be a bit of fun and you never know, perhaps these three old titles could be revived.
From “Rye’s Own” May 2008 issue
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