Dear Editor

As the one who wrote about Joe Hatter, I feel I must reply to Mrs Levett Fuller’s letter in the April edition of Rye’s Own.

The man at the bottom of Spring Steps was another Mr Hatter, Grandfather to John Hatter, the owner of the taxi firm of Rye Motors, and there was another Mr Hatter who lived on The Strand and also caught and sold shrimps, (all types of cousins even distant). Continue reading PEN & INK

A New Beginning

Campaign for a Democratic Rye Group

A new beginning

by Chairman, Cllr Granville Bantick

The Campaign for a Democratic Rye Group held its inaugural meeting
on the 22nd February attended by forty people including the Steering
Group. The historian and author, Mr Peter Ewart, who himself and his
forbears came from Rye, preceded by giving a very entertaining and
illuminating talk entitled “Rebellious Rye, Corruption, Protest and
Reform in the Nineteenth Century”. It may be thought by just coincidence
that the title might apply to Rye today, with perhaps the exception
of corruption! Continue reading A New Beginning

Six Months Reprieve

Udimore Road Site

From Rye’s Own April 2008 Issue


By Jim Hollands

Up to eighty Rye people crammed in the public galleries at Rother District Council’s Bexhill Town Hall to learn the fate of the proposed building site for 135 houses on the greenfield land to the North of Udimore Road. Continue reading Six Months Reprieve

Sprocket Page-Wheelers Dine


It was great to be ‘down by the Riverside’ with the Rye & District Wheelers on Thursday 8 November. Continue reading Sprocket Page-Wheelers Dine

Rye Wheelers First Ardres Randonnee

Rye Wheelers meet the Ardres Cyclists for the first time as guests in their famous Le Carre de Vallees 100k. Randonnee.

Eighteen Rye Wheelers set off on the 3.20 am. Ferry from Dover on
3 June and then cycled on to Ardres. They were met here by officials
from the Union of Cyclism for the Ardres Region and entertained to
breakfast. Continue reading Rye Wheelers First Ardres Randonnee

Building North of Udimore Road 0ne Step Closer

From the December 2006 Issue of “Rye’s Own”
By Jim Hollands

Consultations are to commence on the proposal to build on the north side of Udimore Road.

“Rye’s Own” has learned that the Arun Corporation, who own the land, have commissioned an agent of ‘Green Issues Communications’ to first contact the local district, county, town and parish councillors in the area to ascertain their views to the plans proposed which he wishes to discuss with them, Continue reading Building North of Udimore Road 0ne Step Closer

Rother Condemned by Rye Representatives


In an amazing report to Rye Town Council Rye District Councillor Sam Souster claimed that Rother District Council was an “undemocratic body seemingly incapable of managing its responsibilities in Rye in a satisfactory manner”.

Continue reading Rother Condemned by Rye Representatives

Championship Twenty-Five

The Rye Wheelers 25 Mile Championship, run in conjunction with the Kent V.T.T.A event on September 4 over Marsh roads was one of the most memorable for over fifty years. Continue reading Championship Twenty-Five

Pen & Ink

Dear Editor,

On Saturday the 13th August My son and his family came to visit me in Main Street Beckley, during the afternoon my son took his children to the Jubilee playing fields in Main Street Beckley, he laid his rather large bunch of keys down next to the swings whilst he played with the children. There was no one else in the playing fields at the time. When he got back to the house he realised that he had not picked the keys up. He went straight back to the playing fields but the keys had gone. We are prepared to offer a small reward for the safe return of these keys. If you should hear of anyone having found these keys, please could you put me in touch with them. Telephone either 01797 253344 or 01797 260886.

Ms Jones

Dear Editor

Could you start a subscription for me. Due to problems with my leg I am now housebound. Doesn’t time fly, I had a subscription in 1966/67 when I was in the Army stationed in Germany.

The articles are very good, together with the photos and drawings. I found the piece on H.M.S. Rye and her part in the Malta Story especially interesting. I have read “Forgotten Voices of World War Two” and there was a mention of HMS Rye told by a sailor on one of the other ships.

Its nice to the occasional mention of my Uncle Bill (Blower) Pierce. Nice to send to my son and grandchildren who live in Stoke on Trent so that they can know something of their roots. It is good that they can see we have Potteries in Rye, no so big as in their ‘Potteries’, but excellent pots have been produced down here.

Gordon Pierce                                                        Broad Oak

Dear Editor,

I was shocked to receive an e-mail today with regard to assault on the cleaner at the toilets at Rye Station Approach. You can be assured that Cllr Souster and I will do what we can to alleviate this problem. I shall personally be speaking to the police. It occurs to me that in the longer term there has to be CCTV surveillance at this spot to back up the police presence, as most of the trouble in Rye appears to be in this area with the nearby bus shelter also being vandalised. Please pass on our sympathy to the cleaner who was attacked and assure him that we will do what we can to see that at the very least the police are watchful at locking up time to protect him in future. Sadly at the moment many members of the police force have been taken away from Sussex to bolster the Met in London during this time of terrorist crisis. Community Support Officers are having to take the strain.

District Councillor Granville Bantick.

“Rye’s Own” September 2005

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