Amazing Film from Over 50 Years Ago

Continue reading Bernard Clark & Gary Booth in Cycle Race 1962
Continue reading Bernard Clark & Gary Booth in Cycle Race 1962
Another piece of film from the 1960’s – Dug out of the Rye’s Own Film Archive
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The Rye & District Wheelers have featured in so many issues of “Rye’s Own” over the past 50 years. Mike Ashdown, who still rides with the Club today, was featured in that very first issue, winning the Wheelers 25 Mile Championship for the second year running. These days you are more likely to see him or his brother Jon, out on a club run with Steve Blattman than racing it out in time trials or on the track where he made such a name for himself and the Wheelers in the 1960’s. Continue reading Out with the Wheelers
Roy Humphries pushes off the first man in the 1964 East Sussex Cycling Association 12 Mile Hardriders event.
Some of the riders taking part included Gary Booth, Chris Parsons, Peter Miles Dave & Jon Ashdown, Mike Ashdown, Bob French. Continue reading ESCA Hardriders 1964
A very short piece of film with a few shots of racing at the Preston Park Cycle Track in Brighton in 1962.
Rye Wheelers used to make a regular Wednesday evening trip to take part in the track league there during the summer months. Continue reading Preston Park Cycle Racing 1962
The first Rye Wheelers Club Championship “25” was held in 1926 and won by Ted Bannister. His time was not recorded but the second place man, Harry Britt, finished in I-15-05, Les Hatter was third. The club minute books show there was a 25 Championship every year up to 1936 but no record of riders or results are shown. Continue reading Rye & District Wheelers 25 Mile Championship Time Trial
There was a time, way back before the Second World War, that the cycling Ashdown family of New Romney, were fierce rivals with members of the Rye Wheelers at grass track events around the area. Continue reading The Ashdowns of New Romney
One of Rye’s oldest sporting clubs is enjoying the best time of it’s 128 years life. This time line looks at the club’s history since it’s inaugaration at the Cinque Ports Hotel in 1881. Continue reading Time Line for Rye Wheelers
May has been another great month for the Rye & District Wheelers. There were no less than ten Rye riders entered for the first Tenterden “10”, this despite losing ever present Kevin Hall to an ankle operation that will put him out of action for several races. Barry Goodsell produced the fastest ride of the evening, beating Continue reading Rye Wheelers 2005 and Earlier
This year saw the return of Mike Ashdown to the Club where he started his illustrious cycling career, and where he achieved his finest victories.In the early sixties Mike could take on any sprinter in the country, on grass or hard track, and beat them. Continue reading Michael Ashdown Back in Wheeler’s Colours