Rye Fawkes In Our Time

Sixty years ago in 1945 the Second World War had just reached it’s terrible conclusion with the discovery of the death camps in Europe and the dropping of two atom bombs on Japan. Continue reading Rye Fawkes In Our Time

Rye Fawkes 2005

Bonfire Flag Will Fly Over the Landgate

On Saturday 12 November the Bonfire Boys flag will fly over the Landgate as it has done so many times in the past. It is hoisted before dawn so that Ryers can see it announcing the big day in the Bonfire Society year from first light. Continue reading Rye Fawkes 2005

The Riverhaven ‘Bought’ The Drummers

One of the ‘larger’ lots up for sale at the Bonfire Boys Auction of Promises, held recently at The George Hotel was Section Fives’ large band of merry drummers. The promise to play was purchased by the Riverhaven Hotel on The Strand
Quay. Continue reading The Riverhaven ‘Bought’ The Drummers

Bonfire in Rye

By Jimper

The late sixties and early seventies heralded the end of a period of great success in the history of Rye Bonfire Society. Bonfire in Rye nearly died as the older members came to their end and the young ones that had taken part in the late fifties and early sixties had much more to interest themselves with. Continue reading Bonfire in Rye

Bonfire Boys Christmas Collection

Have fun and help others – That should be the motto of the Rye Bonfire Society. Already, just a few weeks after their fantastic efforts on Rye Fawkes Night, where all the money collected is presented to local charities, they are back on the streets raising money to for the 2005 Celebrations. Continue reading Bonfire Boys Christmas Collection

Rye Bonfire Boys

The Bonfire Boys production of “Cinderella” was a great success. It was staged at the Monastery, now Cinque Ports Pottery. The cast list is a Who’s Who of Rye characters of the forties, fifties and sixties. These were among the backbone of the Bonfire movement in the town through that period. Continue reading Rye Bonfire Boys

Rye Fawkes Night

Saturday 13 November is Bonfire Night in Rye. An event not to be missed. Quieter and much less dangerous than years gone by, as Jimper’s Bonfire stories in his latest publication illustrate, but no less exhilarating. Continue reading Rye Fawkes Night

The Happiest Rye Fawkes

The Happiest Rye Fawkes

The Emergency Ward Ten team that came to Rye for the Bonfire Celebrations produced the Town’s happiest ever Rye Fawkes in the person of Pamela Duncan, better known as “Sister Doughty.” The celebrities conducted the judging of the tableaux as the procession passed the George Hotel in the High Street. Their unanimous choice for first prize, both in its class and overall, to Witches Potion, a Continue reading The Happiest Rye Fawkes