Wild Boar Week

Saturday 27th October – Sunday 4th November 2012

This year Rye is “Wild” about Boar!

Already 16 venues in and around Rye in East Sussex have confirmed their intent to showcase Wild Boar and medieval dishes on their menus, many of which have already submitted their menus and can be found on the website wildboar.org.uk. Continue reading Wild Boar Week

Rye Bonfire Boys

The Bonfire Boys production of “Cinderella” was a great success. It was staged at the Monastery, now Cinque Ports Pottery. The cast list is a Who’s Who of Rye characters of the forties, fifties and sixties. These were among the backbone of the Bonfire movement in the town through that period. Continue reading Rye Bonfire Boys

Adventures in Rye July 2001

Winnie TwoWinnie Hollands died on Sunday 10 June 2001.  A very brave lady, she prepared two last ‘Adventures’ knowing that the sands of time were running away. They were completed just four days before she was taken from us.

Adventures in Rye

By Winnie Hollands

Lying here in Richard’s house at St. Mary’s Bay in a room overlooking the sea I have had plenty of time to think back over 84 years and remember the highlights of my life. Everyone has to die at some point but when you know you have only a very limited time before you reach that point it really does focus the mind. Continue reading Adventures in Rye July 2001