The Strand Gate


By Arthur Woodgate

There is not much doubt that Rye was an exciting place to live when it had a lot more water round and about it and was still complete with all its gates and lots of its walls. Continue reading The Strand Gate

Rye’s Royal Visitors

There have been comparatively few royal visitors to Rye when the importance of the town in the middle ages is taken into account. Continue reading Rye’s Royal Visitors

The Town on the Hill

The Town on the Hill

Rye – built on a sandstone rock rising out of the Romney Marsh, surely one of the most beautiful towns in Britain. A living example of the way things were. Continue reading The Town on the Hill

Rye Bonfire 66


It was so wet that even the mermaid had to have an umbrella, but pouring rain throughout the whole of the Bonfire Society’s 1966 Rye Fawkes Celebrations did not dampen the spirits of the thousands who had come to watch the annual spectacle. Continue reading Rye Bonfire 66