Ye Olde Bell Inn

This photograph taken outside The Bell on Bonfire Night captures the very atmosphere of the place. It has always been known as a meeting place for Ryers and holiday makers alike.

It is possibly the oldest pub in Rye, difficult to date historically but some parts are believed to be over 500 years old. A tavern was recorded on the site as early as 1420. Continue reading Ye Olde Bell Inn

The Landgate In Old Times

J. L. DEACON F. R. Hist. S. printed the first edition his his amazing “Ancient Rye” early in the 20th. century, the fifth edition hit the bookstands in 1927 and contains this great picture of the Landgate in Georgian times. Continue reading The Landgate In Old Times

Bonfire Boys Christmas Collection

Have fun and help others – That should be the motto of the Rye Bonfire Society. Already, just a few weeks after their fantastic efforts on Rye Fawkes Night, where all the money collected is presented to local charities, they are back on the streets raising money to for the 2005 Celebrations. Continue reading Bonfire Boys Christmas Collection

Rye Fawkes Night

Saturday 13 November is Bonfire Night in Rye. An event not to be missed. Quieter and much less dangerous than years gone by, as Jimper’s Bonfire stories in his latest publication illustrate, but no less exhilarating. Continue reading Rye Fawkes Night

Margaret Apps Then & Now

From the June 2002 issue of “Rye’s Own”

Looking back through the old Rye’s Own photo files we discovered many local girls from the ‘Swinging Sixties’. Rye’s Own claimed that Rye girls were better looking than those from any other part of the country. Margaret Apps worked at Continue reading Margaret Apps Then & Now

Found in Cinque Ports Street August 2000

Found in Cinque Ports Street

These Two photographs, along with another two, were found in Cinque Ports Street on Saturday 18 August. The top one seems to show a tableaux from a Rye Bonfire Night procession but I cannot identify anyone in it. The bottom picture is a different story, it is packed with Rye personalities attending a Bonfire Society Continue reading Found in Cinque Ports Street August 2000