From the June 2002 issue of “Rye’s Own”
Looking back through the old Rye’s Own photo files we discovered many local girls from the ‘Swinging Sixties’. Rye’s Own claimed that Rye girls were better looking than those from any other part of the country. Margaret Apps worked at a Rye Television shop and was a member of the Rye & District Wheelers. Her other activities included taking part in several Rye Movie Society productions and organising floats for Bonfire Night.

Margaret married Dave Ashdown the Captain of the Wheelers and they made their home at Lydd. They had four children and enjoyed an active and happy life until Dave’s death, after a short illness, in 1994. The Bexley Club, who Dave raced for in his latter years, organised a Memorial Race in his honour and Margaret attends each year to present the prizes. Margaret has rebuilt her life and is now partner to Lydd’s new Mayor, Trevor Allan. She leads a full and active life.
Rye’s Own June 2002
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