Albert of Rye’s Own

Here he is – ‘Albert’ the little dog with the big heart. He will show you the way to the new “Rye’s Own” Website. Here you will find the articles and photographed published in the magazine over the past 50 years.

Every day more and more archive material and current events are included on these pages. They are becoming a valuable source of information about all things Rye. History, Nostalgia, Personalities, Local Politics are all to be found in this unique, ongoing record of Rye and the people of Rye.

Albert ready for a bath and tidy up
Albert ready for a bath and tidy up


This website is completely free but it relies on our readers who buy our monthly magazines, so do support us if you can. Hard copies are available at local newsagents or by postal subscription and Electronic copies direct to your computer.

That's Better
That’s Better

Tel. 01303 814874 or email for details



Mayor’s Report 2015


Rye Town Meeting – Mayor’s Overview of 2014-15

Perhaps the Council’s most popular decision over the past 12 months was the appointment of a town steward for the Parish. In response to numerous complaints over the last few years, Nicky Ledger was appointed in January to help improve the appearance of the Parish and make Rye a more attractive place in which to live, work, study and visit. Continue reading Mayor’s Report 2015

David Smeed

By Jim Hollands

It seemed that the whole of Tilling Green from the 1950’s and 60’s had turned up at Playden Church for the funeral of one of Rye’s unsung heroes. There were faces there I had not seen for 50 years or more. They came to pay respects to a very talented man. Continue reading David Smeed

Almost 50 Years Since The First Rye’s Own

Back in 1965, as Bonfire Night approached, a new magazine appeared in the newsagents of the town. “Rye’s Own” was born. Volume 1, Number One, it read on the cover, the price was two shillings (10p). Rodney Booth, now manager at Skinner’s Motors, was among the Bonfire Boys featured on the cover at their secret hideaway where the torches were made to light the procession on the great night. Continue reading Almost 50 Years Since The First Rye’s Own

Bernard’s Problem Page



Bernard Clark will comment on any problem you may have – and certainly make it sound worse Send problems, moans, criticisms or comments to jim- and they will be forwarded to Bernard for his judgement. and advice Continue reading Bernard’s Problem Page

Buckswood Open Day

Another bumper Open Day as record numbers attend Buckswood Open Day

Buckswood School in Guestling was a hive of activity over the weekend as record numbers visited the school at the second Open Day of the year. Over 70 people called in throughout the morning to meet teaching staff, take a tour, meet the School’s dog, peacocks, snakes, chickens and rabbits; and find out more about the education on offer at the international day and boarding school in Hastings. Continue reading Buckswood Open Day

Spotlight On Hythe Milm Dance

 By Maggie George

There’s something exciting happening in Hythe on Monday evenings. Instead of sitting in front of their televisions, people are flocking to the Royal British Legion clubhouse to be put through their paces with ballroom dance teacher, Mike Hall. Continue reading Spotlight On Hythe Milm Dance

Summer Holidays at Winchelsea Beach


Barry Floyd

Like many families in London after World War I — and with a gradual return to a more normal way of life — my newly-married parents (father had served with the Royal Electrical Engineers in France from 1915 to 1919) began looking from their semi-detached Edwardian home in Palmers Green (North London) at favourable seaside spots where a brief summer holiday might be undertaken. Continue reading Summer Holidays at Winchelsea Beach