Almost 50 Years Since The First Rye’s Own

Back in 1965, as Bonfire Night approached, a new magazine appeared in the newsagents of the town. “Rye’s Own” was born. Volume 1, Number One, it read on the cover, the price was two shillings (10p). Rodney Booth, now manager at Skinner’s Motors, was among the Bonfire Boys featured on the cover at their secret hideaway where the torches were made to light the procession on the great night. Continue reading Almost 50 Years Since The First Rye’s Own

Soccer Chat October 1968

Iden teams hit twenty in opening games


Rye United

Rye United opened the season with mixed fortunes—three away matches against Bognor, East Grinstead and Horsham Y.M.C.A., resulted in a win, a defeat and a draw. Continue reading Soccer Chat October 1968