In the early hours of yesterday morning (Tuesday 2 May) the famous fish shop belonging to Hugh Sutton was badly damaged by a car which collided with the building after leaving the road and smashing through the garden. It ended up embedded into the side of the shop,
The occupant or occupants from the vehicle ran off. Police, Ambulance, Rye Fire Service attended and a police helicopter and police dog were called in an effort to find the driver. Continue reading Hugh Sutton’s Shop Smashed By Car
16:30 – Parking restrictions apply to processional route.
18:30 – Vehicular access restrictions apply.
18:30 – Processional Route to be clear of all vehicles
19:50 – Loud maroon signals the start of the procession from Mason Road, Tilling Green Estate
Rye Fawkes is a FREE Family Night Out. Please help fill the collecting boxes – ALL money collected goes to local good causes
The route is as follows – Ferry Road to the Crown Inn, turn left into Cinque Ports Street, Tower Street, through Landgate Arch, Hilders Cliff (East Cliff) in to High Street, The Mint, turn right into Wish Ward, Cinque Ports Street, Tower Street, left down Landgate, right into Bedford Place and on to the Bonfire site.
20:30 – The Chairing down of Rye Fawkes 2016 HRH Prince Rostislav R. Romanov III
20:45 – The Bonfire Lit by Rye Fawkes 2016
21:00 – Grand Fireworks Display
Jimper – As we all remember him
As a fitting finale to this year’s display, Rye Bonfire will belaunching ashes of two of its well loved members, John Izod and Jimper Sutton, in the last rocket! John and Jimper both sadly passed away this year, but listen carefully on the night for the sound of a couple of chuckles..
John Izod at a Bonfire Boys Auction of Promises
Look Out forThe Last Rocket – Farewell Old Friends
The Bonfire Boys Song
We are the Bonfire Boys
We are the Bonfire Boys
We know our Manners
We collect the Tanners
We are Respected wherever we go
When we march along Cinque Ports Street
Doors and windows open wide
We’re the Boys that make most noise
We’re the Boys that built the Guy
We are the Bonfire Boys.
(Sung to the tune of Sussex by the Sea)
Pictures from Previous Bonfires
Rye Bonfire November 12
Bonfire Favourites
Fire Fireworkd
A Night to Remember
Dressed up for a Great Evening Out
Burgess Hill at Rye
Member of Romney Marsh Mountain Rescue Team?
A Couple of Swells
The Burning Boat being readied
One of the Best Smiles of the Evening
On the Way to Light the Fire
Moment of Ignition
Torchlight Procession
Flaming Torches
All the best looking Girls Carry a Torch for a Bonfire Society
Red Flares in Tower Street
Red is the Colour
The Glow of a Red Flare
The Very Best Come to Rye
One of the Few Trailors
The Last Rocket
Lewes are out in Force
Bonfire Fun
Robertsbridge Centurians Carry Rye Fawkes
The Burning Boat
The Last Rocket
Rex Leads the Way
Tableau from the 1960s
Ready to Go
In the Glow of the Fire
Bonfire Women
Rye Bonfire
Members of Rye Bonfire Society enjoy their night out
Rex Leading the Way on Bonfire Night 2008
Tandem Relay with the Torch carring the flame to Light the 1947 Rye Bonfire
Fred, Frank, Bob and Bill
Bonfire Societies from Far & Wide Desend on Rye
Rye Bonfire
Rye Bonfire Which Year?
Well Known Rye Characters Dressed for Bonfire Celebrations
Rye Bonfire Marshall 2010
Jim Sargent and Mrs. Sargent hold the torch as the Mayor of Westminster lights the flame that will be carried 60 miles to Rye to light the Rye Bonfire of 1948
Jimper’s Funeral Service Will be at St. Mary’s Church, Rye
St Mary’s Church, Rye is the venue for the Funeral Service of Jimper Sutton, who died on Monday 20 June aged 72.
Jimper, Fisherman, Farmer, Author, Story Teller, Countryman, Bonfire Boy, was Rye’s best known character in a Town that is famous for it’s long list of Personalities.
The Funeral Service will be at 11am. on Friday 8 July
A Great Ryer and Englishman who had a Heart of Gold and who could bring the the World Alive with just a Pen
There are some people you meet as you go along time’s highway that are much larger than life. Jimper was one such person.
A country man with an unrivalled knowledge of plants and animals and an instinctive ability to write about them, or anything else if it came to it. Almost his entire life is documented in the hundreds of stories, books and articles he wrote.
It is with a very heavy heart I have to report the death of my great friend and one of “Rye’s Own’s” finest contributors.
Jimper Sutton
Jimper has been writing for the magazine almost from the very start in 1965. His knowledge of country matters and fearless contributions on almost any topic have made him one of the most popular Rye Characters over many, many years. Continue reading Jimper
Jimper has been writing articles and stories in “Rye’s Own” since 1966. He has become Rye’s best known character, with followers all over the country and indeed, all over the World.
He has met Royalty and Politicians, been on Television on innumerable occasions, written twenty books from which the proceeds have all gone to local charities. Continue reading Today is Jimper’s Birthday