Mark Zuckerberg is Giving me $500,000 Compensation!

It Started with a Friend Request

Had a Friend Request today from John Glen Henderson – Said ok as he looked oldish and respectable.  On his Facebook page it said he came from Menlo and I have been there it’s in Silicon Valley California.

Then he messaged me :- you doing today???

Mark Zuckenberg 001


Menlo, one of the few places in America I have stayed, Mountain ?. Nice to meet you John. Continue reading Mark Zuckerberg is Giving me $500,000 Compensation!

Catholic Priest from Rye Charged with Possession of Indecent Images of Children




A Roman Catholic priest from Rye, now living in Redclyffe Road, Urmston, Manchester,  is due to appear at Brighton Magistrates Court on 15 October, charged with offences relating to indecent images of children. Continue reading Catholic Priest from Rye Charged with Possession of Indecent Images of Children

69 Year Old Rye Man Jailed for 42 Days.


Refused to Pay his Council Tax

A man who lives at The Mint in Rye was jailed for 42 days at Hastings Magistrates Court yesterday (Wednesday 7 October)

He claimed that to pay his £1,800 plus Council Tax Bill owing to Rother District Council would be a ‘Criminal Offence’ under the Terrorism Act of 2000, as it may be used by the Government to spend on ‘Illegal’ foreign wars. He claimed that if he paid he would be breaking the law. Continue reading 69 Year Old Rye Man Jailed for 42 Days.

Send Your Rye Pictures and News to Rye’s Own

Send Your News Items and Pictures to Rye’s Own as soon as you can to:-

[email protected]

They will be used in the next magazine or here on the Ryes Own Website. Pictures, News, Views, Comments, Drawings and other Art Work, Poetry, Political comments and criticisms are all welcome as long as they are about Rye. Continue reading Send Your Rye Pictures and News to Rye’s Own

The Great Ferry Road Nursery Duck Race

The Town Crier Rang his bell and the ducks were launched in the great Ferry Road Nursery Duck Race. 100’s of ducks were dropped from the Bridge at Ferry Road and raced off down the River Tillingham towards the finishing point at the Railway Bridge Continue reading The Great Ferry Road Nursery Duck Race

Cycle / Footpath Finished Today

Graham’s Way will be Officially Opened Next Tuesday

“Rye’s Own” Reports :-

It is almost eleven years since Graham Matthews was knocked off his bike on Rye Harbour Road and killed.


This was a notoriously dangerous stretch of road to anyone walking as there were no places to get off the road, the verges were covered in brambles and undergrowth right up to the edge of the turnpike. Continue reading Cycle / Footpath Finished Today

A V Toddlers

AV Toddlers jazz up their parents’Jim-Jams for Pilgrims Hospices Pyjama Walk

Children from the AV Toddler Group spent a happy morning decorating tee shirts for their parents to wear at the Pilgrims Hospice Pyjama Walk on Saturday 27th June 2015. Continue reading A V Toddlers

Anzac Day


The 100th Anniversary

By Richard Holdsworth

While Australian and New Zealand troops (ANZACS) are usually associated with the bravery and deaths suffered at Gallipoli, troops from the county of Sussex also fought and died in this terrible and, ultimately, fruitless campaign during WWl. Continue reading Anzac Day



Rye Runners is starting an 8-week beginners’ course on Saturday 13th June 2015. If you have never run at all, or run just a little, or haven’t run for some time and want to build your fitness and confidence in a supportive and fun environment, sign up! Men and women of all ages, fitness levels and experience are very welcome. Continue reading RYE RUNNERS BEGINNERS’ GROUP