Today I set out the Government’s 12 negotiating objectives for leaving the European Union – part of our plan for Britain, which aims to get the right deal abroad while ensuring a better deal for ordinary working people here at home – and I wanted you to be one of the first to know about it. The referendum last June was a vote to leave the European Union. But it was also a vote for change – to shape a brighter future for our country, to make it stronger and fairer, and to embrace the world. And it is the job of this Conservative Government to deliver it and to get the right deal for Britain as we do.
We seek a new and equal partnership – between an independent, self-governing Global Britain and our friends and allies in the European Union. We are leaving the EU, not Europe.
Tell me what you think about our plan.
That means taking the opportunity of this great moment of national change to step back and ask ourselves what kind of country we want to be. To pursue 12 objectives that amount to one goal: a new, positive and constructive partnership between Britain and the European Union.
1. Certainty: whenever we can, we will provide it. And we can confirm today that the Government will put the final deal that is agreed between the UK and EU to a vote in both Houses of Parliament.
2. Control of our own laws: we will bring an end to the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice in Britain. Because we will not have truly left the European Union if we are not in control of our own laws.
3. Strengthen the Union: we must strengthen the precious Union between the four nations of the United Kingdom. We will work very carefully to ensure that – as powers are repatriated back to Britain – the right powers are returned to Westminster and the right powers are passed to the devolved administrations. We will make sure that no new barriers to living and doing business within our Union are created.
4. Maintain the Common Travel Area with Ireland: we will work to deliver a practical solution that allows the maintenance of the Common Travel Area with the Republic of Ireland, while protecting the integrity of the United Kingdom’s immigration system.
5. Control of immigration: the message from the public before and during the referendum campaign was clear: Brexit must mean control of the number of people who come to Britain from Europe. We will continue to attract the brightest and the best to work or study in Britain but there must be control.
6. Rights for EU nationals in Britain, and British nationals in the EU: we want to guarantee these rights as early as we can. We have told other EU leaders that we can offer EU nationals here this certainty, as long as this is reciprocated for British citizens in EU countries.
7. Protect workers’ rights: as we translate the body of European law into our domestic regulations, we will ensure that workers’ rights are fully protected and maintained.
8. Free trade with European markets: as a priority we will pursue a bold and ambitious Free Trade Agreement with the European Union. This agreement should allow for the freest possible trade in goods and services between Britain and EU member states. It cannot mean membership of the EU’s Single Market. That would mean complying with European Court of Justice rulings, free movement and other EU rules and regulations without having a vote on what those rules and regulations are. And because we will no longer be members of the Single Market, we will not be required to contribute huge sums to the EU budget. If we contribute to some specific EU programmes that we wish to participate in, it will be for us to decide.
9. New trade agreements with other countries: it is time for Britain to become a global trading nation, striking trade agreements around the world. Through the Common Commercial Policy and the Common External Tariff, full Customs Union membership prevents us from doing this – but we do want to have a customs agreement with the EU and have an open mind on how we achieve this end.
10. The best place for science and innovation: we will continue to collaborate with our European partners on major science, research and technology initiatives.
11. Co-operation in the fight against crime and terrorism: we want our future relationship with the EU to include practical arrangements on matters of law enforcement and intelligence.
12. A smooth, orderly Brexit: we want to have reached an agreement about our future partnership by the time the two year Article 50 process has concluded. From that point onwards, we expect a phased process of implementation. We will work to avoid a disruptive cliff-edge.
These are our objectives for Brexit. A truly Global Britain – the best friend and neighbour to our European partners, but also a country that reaches beyond the borders of Europe and embraces the world. A country that gets out into the world to build relationships with old friends and new allies alike – a great, global trading nation that is respected around the world and strong, confident and united at home.
Please share your views on our plan for Britain. Take the survey now.
So let’s work hard and together let’s make Brexit a success.
Thank you for your support,
Theresa May
Prime Minister
Category: International News
Russians Off Rye Again
Russian Navel Presence in Channel Again
Remember the picture of the Russian Navy sailing past Rye? It seems there were more Russian warships off our coast during the last few days.
The Russian Frigate Yaroslav Mudry was shadowed by the Royal Navy through the International waters, just outside British Territorial waters, at a time of diplomatic tensions between Moscow and London.
The Frigate was sighted by HMS Sutherland as she sailed into the English Channel and monitored as she proceeded through. The Russian Frigate utilises stealth technology equipment.
The Yaroslav Mudry was recently reportedoperating in the Mediterranean Sea
We reported the passing of the Russian Fleet through the Channel in October
Brexit and Rye
Let’s be men – Let’s be Ryers
Ryers by birth or by choice are all Ryers if they love this old town and what it stands for.
By Jim Hollands
Our ancestors stood together for independance 200 years ago
Over Two hundred years ago, direct relatives of myself, Bill Waters, Alec Tiltman, Jimper Sutton, Bernard Clark, Terry Curd and many other well known Ryers became part of the Rye Company of Sea Fencibles that drilled in the Gun Garden and waited to take on Napoleon Bonaparte, who stood with his armies on the French Coast. Bonaparte did not arrive, he decided to go to Russia instead.

His Navy was defeated at Trafalgar in 1805 and the Duke of Wellington, later to become MP for Rye, defeated him at Waterloo, putting an end to his war against Continue reading Brexit and Rye
Russian Navy Sails Past Rye
Russian Naval Force Passes Close to Rye
Huy Garris sent in this picture of the Russian Navy vessels sailing past Rye on their way to Syria via the English Channel.
The Russian fleet, including the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov and the nuclear-powered Pyotr Velikiy battle cruiser, will cross the Bay of Biscay and enter the Mediterranean at Gibraltar.
The warships could assist in the bombardment of Aleppo although Russia Continue reading Russian Navy Sails Past Rye
Cheeky Girls & Boris
Rye’s Own Cheeky Girls Raise Thousands for Charity with Boris

“Rye’s Own” favourites Monica and Gabriella Irimia, joined forces with Boris Johnson and a host of other celebrities in an event at Canary Wharf that involved Continue reading Cheeky Girls & Boris
Hello from Two Ex-Rye Wheelers
Happy Pedalling
Rita Thomson and Jo’ Vincent just had to send you our very best wishes from Edinburgh where Jo’ is visiting from California via Hailsham where she celebrated a major birthday for her younger brother, cartoonist Paul Vincent whose talent is often featured in this very magazine.

After a stay with sister Veronica in Folkestone Jo’ will be visiting friends in Rye Continue reading Hello from Two Ex-Rye Wheelers
Setting History In Stone-Hastings And Rye (Australia) Worlds Apart
Richard Holdsworth finds a similarity between history preserved in Australia’s tapestry and Hastings’ own Millennium Chronicles…
Successive generations will be indebted to the good souls who record our history so that it is never forgotten and I am fortunate that I have come across two such people even though they are twelve-thousand miles apart, one in Hastings, England, and the other Rye, Australia. Continue reading Setting History In Stone-Hastings And Rye (Australia) Worlds Apart
Mark Zuckerberg is Giving me $500,000 Compensation!
It Started with a Friend Request
Had a Friend Request today from John Glen Henderson – Said ok as he looked oldish and respectable. On his Facebook page it said he came from Menlo and I have been there it’s in Silicon Valley California.
Then he messaged me :- you doing today???
Menlo, one of the few places in America I have stayed, Mountain ?. Nice to meet you John. Continue reading Mark Zuckerberg is Giving me $500,000 Compensation!
Anzac Day
The 100th Anniversary
By Richard Holdsworth
While Australian and New Zealand troops (ANZACS) are usually associated with the bravery and deaths suffered at Gallipoli, troops from the county of Sussex also fought and died in this terrible and, ultimately, fruitless campaign during WWl. Continue reading Anzac Day
Classic Cars Shows
A Quality Show with a Quality Cast!
The Southern Sections of the Rolls Royce Enthusiasts’ Club are holding an International Weekend at Westenhanger near Hythe in Kent. The event will feature not only Rolls-Royce motor cars from all over Europe but will also present ‘The Best of British’ veteran, vintage and classic cars, with participation from local and national Owners Clubs. Individual owners are also taking part making it a truly spectacular display of our motoring heritage. Continue reading Classic Cars Shows