Rye’s Greatest All Rounder

Down Rye Way


By M. J. P.

The Oxford Dictionary describes the word sportsman as a person who regards life as a game in which his opponents must be allowed fair play, a person ready to play a bold game”—what better way then to introduce you to William (Blower) Pierce—Rye’s finest sportsman. Continue reading Rye’s Greatest All Rounder

The Happiest Rye Fawkes

The Happiest Rye Fawkes

The Emergency Ward Ten team that came to Rye for the Bonfire Celebrations produced the Town’s happiest ever Rye Fawkes in the person of Pamela Duncan, better known as “Sister Doughty.” The celebrities conducted the judging of the tableaux as the procession passed the George Hotel in the High Street. Their unanimous choice for first prize, both in its class and overall, to Witches Potion, a Continue reading The Happiest Rye Fawkes

First Stone is Layed

Badger Gate Project is Under Way

On 6th October an important event took place on Mason Field at Ferry Road. The foundation stone for the new block of flats being built for the old people of the town was laid by Mrs. H. J. Wood, wife of the late Mr. H. J. Wood our Town Clerk for nine years. Continue reading First Stone is Layed

16th. Annual Autumn Show

Activity at the Cattle Market

If you happened to pass the Market way on Wednesday, 6th October, you would have instantly realised something different was going on down there. Admittedly it was rather foggy and early in the morning, but there was so much activity and hustle and bustle. Continue reading 16th. Annual Autumn Show

Rye Girl in Beauty Final

 Sandra is off to Minehead for the Final

On the 15th October local girl Sandra Kewell of Lea Avenue, a pretty seventeen years old, lined up before the judges at the area final of the Butlin’s Princess Competition held at the holiday camp Minehead in Somerset. Continue reading Rye Girl in Beauty Final

Edwin Thomas Rhodes 1847 – 1930

Obituary of Edwin Thomas Rhodes 1847 – 1930

Rye has lost a member of one of her oldest families in the death of Edwin Thomas Rhodes, which occurred at his home, 1, Landgate Square on Saturday afternoon. The Rhodes family have been known and respected in Rye since the 18th Century. They at one time held a large amount of land at Rye Hill but later became a fishing family. Mr. Rhodes, who was 83 was well known in the neighbourhood as a long-shore fisherman. For the past two years he has been confined to his bed but visits from his many friends were frequent and regular. Continue reading Edwin Thomas Rhodes 1847 – 1930