Rye British Legion Club 1966 Prize Presentation 1966

Mayoress presents the Prizes

The Mayor and Mayoress, Alderman and Mrs. W. J. Hacking, were the guests of the Rye British Legion Club on the occasion of the club’s 1966 Prize Presentation held at their Headquarters in Eagle Road, The Mayoress, speaking to the many members and friends present for this important event, spoke of the pleasure it gave her to attend and present the many trophies and prizes, “This is the first opportunity I have had of visiting your club and I would like to say how very impressed I am with the comforts which you have achieved. When I look around and see how nice it all is, it is no surprise to learn that your membership is as high Continue reading Rye British Legion Club 1966 Prize Presentation 1966

Scouting in Rye

The 1st Rye Troop of Scouts ‘Captain Cory’s Own’ proudly held the official opening of their new Headquarters recently. Over 200 people, including the Mayor and Mayoress of Rye, Alderman and Mrs. W. J. Hacking, were present as Father Richard, the Group Scoutmaster, handed the key to County Commissioner, Continue reading Scouting in Rye