Obituary of Edwin Thomas Rhodes 1847 – 1930
Rye has lost a member of one of her oldest families in the death of Edwin Thomas Rhodes, which occurred at his home, 1, Landgate Square on Saturday afternoon. The Rhodes family have been known and respected in Rye since the 18th Century. They at one time held a large amount of land at Rye Hill but later became a fishing family. Mr. Rhodes, who was 83 was well known in the neighbourhood as a long-shore fisherman. For the past two years he has been confined to his bed but visits from his many friends were frequent and regular.

He was the son of the late Mr. George Rhodes who was born in Watchbell Street. He had lived at Landgate for the whole of his life except for the first few months. He is survived by a widow, five sons and two daughters, eighteen grandchildren and several great grandchildren. An eighth child was killed in an accident more than forty years ago. Mr. Rhodes celebrated the 58th Anniversary of his wedding last October. At Christmas time, 1891, Mr. Rhodes saved every member of his family except one child, who was able to look after himself from being burnt to death when a fire broke out at their home in Landgate Square, close to where Mrs. Rhodes now lives, by half throwing and half carrying them into the Square. He was for many years a member of the Harold Lodge Of The Ancient Order of Foresters. He was a staunch liberal and remembered many eventful Rye elections. The funeral was held at Rye Borough Cemetery yesterday.