Found in Cinque Ports Street August 2000

Found in Cinque Ports Street

These Two photographs, along with another two, were found in Cinque Ports Street on Saturday 18 August. The top one seems to show a tableaux from a Rye Bonfire Night procession but I cannot identify anyone in it. The bottom picture is a different story, it is packed with Rye personalities attending a Bonfire Society Continue reading Found in Cinque Ports Street August 2000

Rye Bonfire 66


It was so wet that even the mermaid had to have an umbrella, but pouring rain throughout the whole of the Bonfire Society’s 1966 Rye Fawkes Celebrations did not dampen the spirits of the thousands who had come to watch the annual spectacle. Continue reading Rye Bonfire 66

The Happiest Rye Fawkes

The Happiest Rye Fawkes

The Emergency Ward Ten team that came to Rye for the Bonfire Celebrations produced the Town’s happiest ever Rye Fawkes in the person of Pamela Duncan, better known as “Sister Doughty.” The celebrities conducted the judging of the tableaux as the procession passed the George Hotel in the High Street. Their unanimous choice for first prize, both in its class and overall, to Witches Potion, a Continue reading The Happiest Rye Fawkes