Old Town Character

John Napier
1952 – 2018

By Jim Hollands
The people of the Old Town lined the streets on Thursday to say farwell
to John Napier, better known as ‘John the Cobbler’ who lost his battle
with cancer on Monday 9 April.


His world famous business, ‘Cobblers to the Old Town’ has raised many
smiles with locals and visitors alike. Just as John’s warm welcome
touched everyone who entered his shop.

Continue reading Old Town Character

Where can I get Hastings Town?

List of newsagents where Hastings Town is available


With so many newsagents in Hastings having closed over the past three years we are often hearing the question Where can I buy a copy of Hastings Town?

Here is a list of the Newsagents and other outlets who sell the magazine.

Sweet Selection  Robertson Street Hastings

The Paper Shop  Silchester Road St Leonards

Hollington Newsagents  143 Battle Road St, Leonards

Dhruva Newsagents Ore

Newsagents Mount Road

Beneys News Hughenden Road

Londis Norman Road St Leonards

The Bourne Newsagents

Premier Stores Bexhill Road St Leonards

The Yella Shop, Kings Road St Leonards

Wishing Tree Newsagents

Conquest Hospital Shop

Premier Stores Ore

Best One Warrior Square

Tobac  Shop  Un-named Road (off Queens Rd / Nr. Priory Meadow)

Fairlight Stores Fairlight

Jempsons Rye

Jempsons Peasmarsh

Jempsons Northiam



For those that live out of the area or cannot get to a newsagents, there is a postal subscription Service one year at £36 (Email  jim@ryesown.co.uk for details or order direct from the ryesown.co.uk website via paypal.

Hastings Town Bulletin  Monday 6 November 2017




Three Great Magazines for September 2017


Rye’s Own Number 278  

Is packed with pictures from local events. The Country show at Icklesham, Rye Flower Festival, Festival of the Sea, Raft Race, Lifeboat Open Day, Mariner’s Garden Party, Rock-a-Billy Rev Up   and the fantastic 2017 War & Peace Revival.

There is a preview of the Rye Arts Festival, 16 September – 1 October. Great pictures of Home Secretary, Amber Rudd MP., visiting Rye and so much more.

Details of the Tour de Rye et Romney Marsh Cycle Challenge put on by Rye & Winchelsea Rotary Club with help from Rye Wheelers. This will take place on Sunday 24 September, riders leaving from Rye Club, Market Road in groups from 9 am. to 10 am. Join the riders. Short ides for children, beginners and casual riders as well as the 100k for those looking for a bigger challenge.

Cinque Ports Number 24

Features the outstanding Cinque Ports singer Victoria Bass as the cover girl for September.

Two pages of pictures from Hythe Venetian Fete, fantastic preview of the Romney Marsh Tapestry, pictures from the Weald of Kent Steam Rally, The work of Richard Taylor-Jones the wildlife cameraman.

Plus News, Views, Art, Music, Nostalgia, Sport, Walks, something for everyone.

Hastings Town Number 116

“The September 2017 issue is the best Hastings Town ever” Direct quote from one of our voluntary contributors when he saw a proof issue.

Packed with Carnival pictures and stories and special tributes to Carnival favourite Ron “Popeye” Everett who died recently.

Hastings folk at the War & Peace Revival are also featured, including the amazing story of a vintage motor bike with a Hastings registration.

Rye’s Own, Hastings Town & Cinque Ports have been described as a shining beacon in hard copy publishing.

At a time when many newspapers and magazines are disappearing from newsagents shelves as ‘free sheets’  television round the clock news and the internet are slowly killing off purchased print and even the newsagents themselves, the three local publications featured here go on from strength to strength, thanks to our loyal readers, advertisers and surviving newsagents.  

There are many villages and even towns, in our catchment areas that do not have a newsagents now. The Cinque Port of Tenterden springs to mind as a big town without a traditional newsagent. Is there a small shop on Tenterden High Street prepared to sell Cinque Ports? Or outlets in villages without a newsagent who are prepared to sell our publications.  Please Tel 01303 814874 if you can help. We can supply by subscription but many readers tell us that a magazine bought over the counter is always more fun to read.


Do You Recognise this Man?

An intruder at Hastings Town Hall stole cash from a safe before leaving

Police are appealing for witnesses following a burglary at Hastings Town Hall.

At around 6.45pm on Monday (4 July) a man broke into the building, got into several rooms and stole some £300 from a safe.


Continue reading Do You Recognise this Man?

St Leonards man sentenced for drugs and firearms offences.

St Leonards man has been sentenced to more than ten years imprisonment for drugs and firearms offences.

Carlton Meldrum, 23, of The Ridge, St Leonards, was sentenced to seven years for possessing heroin with intent to supply when he appeared at Snaresbrook Crown Court in London on 30 March having previously pleaded guilty. This followed his arrest on 27 September last year when he was arrested with another man in a car in Ilford, East London. Three kilos of heroin, a firearm and two rounds of Continue reading St Leonards man sentenced for drugs and firearms offences.

Hastings Man Sentenced Over Sexual Offences Involving Children.

Hastings man sentenced over sexual offences involving children.

Sussex Police Report

08 Apr, 2016 11:59 News Justice Done Continue reading Hastings Man Sentenced Over Sexual Offences Involving Children.

Three Arrested for Racial Assault

Three men arrested after Hastings racial assault

Three men have been arrested for a racially aggravated assault on a woman in Hastings last month.

A 25-year-old Muslim woman was walking on Bohemia Road at around 11am on March 27 when she was confronted by three men by the Hastings Museum opposite Falaise Road.

The woman crossed the road to avoid them but as she walked away one of the Continue reading Three Arrested for Racial Assault

Hastings Town Editorial – March 2013

Editorial ….
The public fights back

Horse Laugh

Multi-National Supermarket chains are at last being seen for what they are – money making machines that are only interested in profit and taking more and more money off their now ‘captive’ clientèle, the general public.

This magazine and it’s sister publications have run article after article for many years supporting the small and medium sized traders, pointing out the dangers of the ever expanding multi-national chains and their dubious sales techniques, misleading packaging and pricing tricks. Continue reading Hastings Town Editorial – March 2013