Hands Across the Sea at Hythe


Excitement is growing for the “Hands across the Sea” International Weekend organised by the Rolls Royce Enthusiasts’ Club. It is happening at Westenhanger, Folkestone Racecourse, Nr Hythe which is a huge site  Continue reading Hands Across the Sea at Hythe

The Anchor is Safe

The Heritage Centre Anchor is quite safe

Rye Town Clerk, Richard Farhall tells us

“The timber needed to be replaced but the Environment Agency A has a policy of not using hardwood so there was a delay while a reclaimed source could be found. Then the EA’s carpenter was off. He is back now but there are certain activities he can no longer easily do – and so volunteers are helping. A soon as I have a return date I will let everyone know”.


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Send Your Stories and Pictures

Albert the "Rye's Own" Mascot invites you to send in pictures and stories - old or new - for publication in the magazine or on the web site
Albert the “Rye’s Own” Mascot invites you to send in pictures and stories – old or new – for publication in the magazine or on the web site

Send your local news and pictures to jim@ryesown.co.uk and we will use as many as we can in the magazine or on the website. Old pictures of Rye and Rye people with details are very welcome and add so much interest for our local and overseas readers with memories of the town. Keep in touch with Rye by supporting “Rye’s Own”. Continue reading Send Your Stories and Pictures

Cheeky Cheeky

We have lots more requests for pictures of the Cheeky Girls, So here we are from our files.

Pictures from the “Rye’s Own” File.

All articles, photographs and drawings on this web site are World Copyright Protected. No reproduction for publication without prior arrangement.

Who was Henry Peuleve

From “Rye’s Own” March 2006 Issue

By David Bourne

Part 2

Because of his upbringing Henry was thoroughly Anglo-French being able to pass as a Frenchman and as an Englishman. After being in the Army’s evacuation from France in 1940 he was recruited into the F (French ) Section of the Special Operations Executive (SOE). Henry broke his leg attempting to return to France as an agent. He escaped, over the Pyrenees into Spain with Jaques Poirier, a young Frenchman. Continue reading Who was Henry Peuleve