Monthly Publication with News, Views and Nostalgia
Send Your Stories and Pictures
Albert the “Rye’s Own” Mascot invites you to send in pictures and stories – old or new – for publication in the magazine or on the web site
Send your local news and pictures to [email protected] and we will use as many as we can in the magazine or on the website. Old pictures of Rye and Rye people with details are very welcome and add so much interest for our local and overseas readers with memories of the town. Keep in touch with Rye by supporting “Rye’s Own”.
The Teachers of Rye Primary School Ferry Road
Bloaters for Tea
Lion Street School Class of 1920
Rye Gymnastics Team
Jimper Meets Prince Phillip
Rye Borough Police 2
A Messerschmit 109 fighter downed in September 1940
Rye Home Guard
Camber Castle in the 1950’s
Cragoswald Aground at Camber
The Royal Car in Market Street Approaching the Town Hall
Some of Rye Town’s Star Players from the 1904 Team
The Queen at Rye Town Hall
The Meet at the Kings Head
Mr & Mrs Alfred Horner being towed through the Landgate (Two way traffic then)
Acting Sgt. Major H. Plews, Sgt. Read, Sgt. Hodson & Sgt. R Abraham
Joe Sperring
Rye Athletic 1973
Shoey Bennett
Many Rye Wheelers took part
Duke of Norfolk Opens New Rye Police Station
Rye Youth Club Entry Just after the War
RX 257 Leaving Boulogne Harbour
Robert Hollands with Major Oliver Kite
Station Master and Engine Driver
The Last Rye Member of Parliament
The Rye Mill 1
The Old Windmill Rye
The Swordfish that Harry Phillips helped service
The Olde Bell Inn
The Dorothy Margaret
Michael & Molly 1940
David Britt’s Scrapbook
All articles, photographs and drawings on this web site are World Copyright Protected. No reproduction for publication without prior arrangement.