A Better Way For Rye

A copy of the handbill issued by the Campaign for a Democratic Rye at the Public Meeting on November 14.

When the reorganisation of local government took place in 1974 Rye lost not only power over its own affairs but most of its land and property as well. Continue reading A Better Way For Rye

Historical Odds & Ends

When Rye Councillors had the Power

Spelling taken from original manuscripts

1549- Ordered that none of the inhabitants of Rye, young or old should issue out of the town with drums and flags or otherwise, to enter the woods of any man, without his special licence, to gather or cut down any boughs, on pain of imprisonment for three days and three nights. Continue reading Historical Odds & Ends

First Spit Dug for Rye Swimming Pool

Rye’s Own Swimming Pool Heroes

There will be a swimming pool in Rye and it is all thanks to a fantastic group of Rye people who make up the Swimming Pool Association, a supportive
group of Rye Councillors who have championed them and the enthusiastic support of the people of Rye. Continue reading First Spit Dug for Rye Swimming Pool