Jimper’s Jottings September 2014


A good summer, very dry, following the wet winter. What are the odds on a dry winter this time? If this happens we could be in trouble. Water shortage and a hose-pipe ban I bet. All that water last winter and no one thought to save a few million gallons. Get it out to sea fast, that was the order of the day. Nothing wrong with that if there are provisions made to save some of it but we haven’t have we? Same old reservoirs, no new ones. How many houses have been built since last winter and the government say we need many thousands more. Has anyone Continue reading Jimper’s Jottings September 2014

Rye Bonfire Report 2011

Saturday 12 November saw the usual suspects out on the streets of Rye. Jimper, John Izod, Paul Carey and the gang were out organising, marshalling and collecting cash in large buckets for local charities.

It was the regular ‘night of fire’ Ryers have become accustomed to. A spectacular torchlight procession, sensational fireworks display and huge bonfire. Continue reading Rye Bonfire Report 2011



Words are more powerful than the sword.

By Jimper

You seldom now hear the expression, from people when you ask how someone is. “I have no word of them,” Nowadays the usual answer is, “I have not heard.”
Once, the written word was the only way to communicate over distance.


Then came the penny post, available to all, and history of the thriving masses was written down. That is the pattern of local history into peoples’ private lives that so many people nowadays study. Continue reading Words

Post War Winchelsea

Life in Post War Winchelsea

By Jimper

The world was in darkness the night I was born, not a light was to be seen, and then, as I grew and could walk and run, the lights came on all over the Kingdom. Continue reading Post War Winchelsea

Beware of The Spy

By Jimper.

John liked his pint of Guinness. Refusing to drink halves, he always insisted on pints. Today with the laws against drink driving, he relied on me to take him out. It became a habit each Friday to venture to some unknown pub in the area where we were not recognised.After spreading our search ten miles, we still had a task to remain anonymous. It was always one or the other of us that was recognised. Continue reading Beware of The Spy

Clifton Memories

By Sally Duffy

My dad, Aubrey Leadbetter has been regaling “Rye’s Own” for a few years now with stories of his life in Rye. I always buy “Rye’s Own” to read what he’s written and your other regular writers, Jimper and Arthur, but reading your July issue, something caught my eye ‘The Dick Bryant Comunique’. I wasn’t just reading about somebody else’s past, it was part of my past too. Continue reading Clifton Memories