Who were the great Rye Characters of the past 50 years, the ‘Movers & Shakers’ who have contributed to the history of this, the best little town in the whole of Britain? – On this page we feature only a fraction of those who have played a colourful part over the past half century. There are so many more. Continue reading 50 Years of Rye Characters
Category: Personalities
Cheeky Girls May Be Saying “Get Me Out of Here”?
Will The Twins Be Jungle Celebs?
Rumours are going about that Cheeky Girls, Gabriella and Monica will be in this year’s “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here”. Continue reading Cheeky Girls May Be Saying “Get Me Out of Here”?
Birthday Spice
Spice Boy has a Birthday
Robbie’s Birthday yesterday – So a bit of film spice from a long time ago. Continue reading Birthday Spice
The Faithful Traffic Warden
His name was Jim Faithful
Grown men were known to have turned and run back to their vehicles and move them out of Rye High Street when they saw him approaching.
Shopkeepers would race out and offer him cups of tea, just to keep him off the street for a few minutes.
It was said he was more harmful to trade in Rye High Street than all the supermarket competition put together. Continue reading The Faithful Traffic Warden
Bernard’s Nightmare
A film made one summer afternoon. Do not waste your time watching this film unless ;-
A. You are very bored
B. You want to see Bernard getting more exercise in one afternoon than he gets in a year now
C. You are a very good pianist and love Charlie Chaplin films. Continue reading Bernard’s Nightmare
Celebrity Cricket Match at Winchelsea 1963

Celebrity Cricket Match at Winchelsea featuring Miriam Karlin, best known for her role as Paddy in The Rag Trade, was on the microphone. Continue reading Celebrity Cricket Match at Winchelsea 1963
Arthur’s Thank You
Arthur Woodgate, who died yesterday gave me this letter on 22 July 2009 and made me promise to publish it to thank everyone at Rye Memorial Care Centre for looking after him so well.
I know Arthur had many happy times at the hospital where he spent most of the the last 10 years of his life and recorded his lifetime experiences for all of us to enjoy. He was a very special man and the people that kept him going through that period are special people too – Rye is lucky to have them. Jim Hollands Continue reading Arthur’s Thank You
Arthur Woodgate 1913 – 2015
By Jim Hollands
It is with great sadness I have to report the death of another Rye Champion.
Arthur passed away in Rye Memorial Hospital at 6 am. yesterday morning.
His death is felt especially here at “Rye’s Own” where we all knew him so well. Continue reading Arthur Woodgate 1913 – 2015
Rye Headlines April 2004
Jim Hollands Asks; Have things changed for the better between 2004 and 2015?
Best Value
On Monday 8 March a very profound remark was made during the Emergency Surgery Site Debate. Paul Osbourne, commenting on County Council Leader Peter Jones oft quoted remark about the Ferry Road School site that it must be sold for the best value, questioned the context of ‘best value’ in relation to cash alone. Continue reading Rye Headlines April 2004
E F Benson Freeman of Rye
Benson Honoured for His Service to Rye
By Jim Hollands
It is March 1938 – The winds of war are gathering and all Europe lives in fear of another conflict of arms – German troops had occupied the Rhineland in 1936, in direct conflict with their obligations under the terms of the 1918 surrender agreement. Hitler’s Army, Naval and Air strength was being built up at a rate that could only mean one thing – His aerial power was rehearsed and demonstrated in Spain in the civil war, Gurnica was flattened by bombing and the civilian population learned that wars would be total from now on with the civilian population in the front line – Winston Churchill was a voice in the wilderness – England slept on. Continue reading E F Benson Freeman of Rye