Cheeky Girls May Be Saying “Get Me Out of Here”?


Will The Twins Be Jungle Celebs?

Rumours are going about that Cheeky Girls, Gabriella and Monica will be in this year’s “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here”. Continue reading Cheeky Girls May Be Saying “Get Me Out of Here”?

Car Crash near Brookland

On the A259 between Rye & Brookland

Any one else noticed this wrecked car tucked under the trees on the corner at the western end of the Brookland straight? Looks to have been there a few days but have seen no press or police reports about it.

The accident appears to have taken place at almost the exact spot as a similar accident on 31 October 2014.

The wrecked car is off the road with police tape and some of the damage to road furniture already repaired.

Pictures taken by Dace Homa


Jane Barrie informed us that the accident happened on 23 October and the driver escaped with just a cut on the head!

Continue reading Car Crash near Brookland

Cheeky Girls at Icklesham Bonfire 2008

By Jim Hollands

It seems hardly credible that the Cheeky Girls came to Rye almost 15 years ago to join their mum and step dad and live in the Ancient Town.

They became very well known as a result of their appearance on Popstars : The Rivals and their first record ‘The Cheeky Song’ , stormed up the British Pop Charts and was No. 2 over the Christmas period – An outstanding achievement when you consider how they were written off by ‘talent expert’ Pete Waterman as being  “The worst act ever” Continue reading Cheeky Girls at Icklesham Bonfire 2008

Cinque Ports November 2015

The  second issue of “Cinque Ports” goes on sale tomorrow (Thursday 29 October). It is packed with Cinque Ports Nostalgia, features and pictures and can be purchased in many Cinque Ports Newsagents as a Glossy Hard Copy for £2.99 or by subscription from electronically for £20 per annum. Continue reading Cinque Ports November 2015

Wheelers Tuesday Run at Appledore


At Appledore on the Way Home

The Rye Wheelers Tuesday run is a comfortably paced ride that anyone who rides a bike fairly regularly can easily manage.

It leaves from North Salts at 12 Noon in the winter month (from when the hour changes) and 1pm. in the Spring Summer and Autumn (The time changes when the hour goes forward). Continue reading Wheelers Tuesday Run at Appledore

Rye Wheelers Have a New Star

Michael Maxwell wins East Sussex Cycling’s Junior Hill Climb Title

Rye Wheelers have found a new star rider in 17 year old Michael Maxwell who has been mentored through his junior career by another Rye star, the former Kent 12 Hour Champion, cycling coach Pav. Bryan. Continue reading Rye Wheelers Have a New Star