The Temperance Seven

The Temperance Seven Golden Jubilee
The Temperance Seven Golden Jubilee

The Temperance Seven were formed at the Royal College of Art during 1957. The band usually had nine members (one over the eight!) and dressed in the style appropriate to the late 1920s ‘white’ jazz they played. This is their Jubilee Year and they were many peoples Rye Festival Favourites. Their appearance at the Thomas Peacocke on Saturday 8 September was a sell out, over 300 people attended and were treated to an evening of pure entertainment. Old songs and even older jokes (the old ones are the best ones) kept the audience tapping their feet and laughing from start to finish. Continue reading The Temperance Seven

Busy Day at Landgate 1887

By Jim Hollands

This photograph from the Frank Palmer Collection was taken 130 years ago this very month. More than 20 figures are faithfully captured at that moment in time. Continue reading Busy Day at Landgate 1887

The Infallible System


True Stories of a Rye Family from a time when the World was Younger

“I’ve got an infallible system!” Jim Snr. beamed from ear to ear. “It’s come up trumps every Saturday for the past four weeks.”

“Oh yes? said his eldest son, summoning up as much phony enthusiasm as he could. He knew all about his systems. Every six months or so there was a new one. Every time they were “infallible”. Every time they resulted in a bonus for the Dog Track Tote. Continue reading The Infallible System

The Long Journey

By Michael Whiteman

As a young fellow from 1936 onward I was working as an under-gardener at Leasam House, Playden, Near Rye. I really enjoyed this work and each Friday morning I used to harness up the black pony onto a buggy trap, going into Rye High Street, to a greengrocers with any surplus vegetables, tomatoes and lettuce that was going at the time and come autumn 1938 the Government stated that all men who were twenty years old would be compelled to either the T.A. for weekend training or join the forces the following spring for six months training plus two weeks further training yearly. This I decided to do myself. If war was going to happen, I would be in it anyway. We would be known as Millitia Boys. Continue reading The Long Journey

Ye Olde Bell Inn

This photograph taken outside The Bell on Bonfire Night captures the very atmosphere of the place. It has always been known as a meeting place for Ryers and holiday makers alike.

It is possibly the oldest pub in Rye, difficult to date historically but some parts are believed to be over 500 years old. A tavern was recorded on the site as early as 1420. Continue reading Ye Olde Bell Inn


RYE TOWN HALL  by Gemma Pocock.

The hanging baskets and troughs of flowers outside Rye Town Hall took my eye as I passed by the other day. I knew a bit about St. Mary’s Church, Ypres Tower and The Landgate but very little about this imposing building. I was fascinated by what I found, hence this little piece about it. Continue reading RYE TOWN HALL