All Our Yesterdays

Who were the driving forces in the town forty years ago? Who were in power at Rye Town Hall in 1965? What was it like to live in a democratic Rye that ran its own affairs and was responsible for its own planning? 1965 and ’66 were great years for Rye. Continue reading All Our Yesterdays

Rye Movie Society


The Technicians

Before the days of video cameras and digital equipment which includes sound as an incidental, hours of recording time on a minute electronic chip and computer editing, there was cine film. Continue reading Rye Movie Society

Rye Movie Society News



BY T.E.S (Dora Sims)

The 1970 Horner Torch Trophy Competition was held on Friday November 20 at the Further Education Centre. In spite of a very wet night there was an Continue reading Rye Movie Society News

Movie Society Dinner 1970


The Rye & District Movie Society’s Annual Dinner, held at the Ship Inn, Rye on Friday 27th February was another great success in the long tradition of success­ful events run by this go-ahead group of movie makers.

Fifty-eight members and friends wined, dined and watched four films, two of which, were elected by those present to represent the Society in the East Sussex Inter Club film Competition and the new R.X. Trophy Competition. Continue reading Movie Society Dinner 1970