The Rye & District Movie Society’s Annual Dinner, held at the Ship Inn, Rye on Friday 27th February was another great success in the long tradition of successful events run by this go-ahead group of movie makers.
Fifty-eight members and friends wined, dined and watched four films, two of which, were elected by those present to represent the Society in the East Sussex Inter Club film Competition and the new R.X. Trophy Competition.

The four films shown at the Dinner were Local Inhabitants’ .by Roy Miles, ‘The Sun Is Burning’ by David Smeed. ‘In The Hands of the Potter’ by Bill Schofield and Bert Longmore and ‘Catastrophe’ by the Club.
Catastrophe’ is to be entered in the Inter-Club Competition and David Smeed’s, ‘The Sun is Burning’ will be the societies entry in the R.X. Trophy Competition against the Hastings Club.
The highlight of the evening came when Vice President. Tom Upton presented a fine shield to the Society. Mrs. J. Camier, Chairman, received the shield on behalf of members and explained that it would be awarded annually to the film considered the best by the audience on Guest Night.
A. G. M.
The Movie Society’ s Annual General Meeting followed shortly after the Dinner, on the 6th March.
Mrs. J. Camier, the Chairman, reported that the year had not been so good as previous ones. The financial position. was good and membership was high, but attendances at meetings were down and very little film making had been undertaken by the Club collectively. Members had made a good job of filming ‘The Fifth’ but this was the only film, produced through the year.
Officials for 1970 are as follows:-
President – Mr. H. Catt. Vice President – Mr. T. Upton.
Chairman – Mr. R. Reynolds,
Vice Chairman – Mr. P. Spencer.
Secretary – Mr. P. Baltus.
Treasurer – Mrs. Morris,
Press Secretary – Mr. F. Masters.
Committee:- Mrs. J. Waters, Mr. D. Smeed, Mr. B. Longmore, Mr. J. Hollands, Mr. B. Schofield and Mr. R. Miles.
Movie Soctety Chairman, Mrs. Joan Camier, receives the magnificent Shield from Mr. Tom Upton.
Late News….
Rye Wins RX Competition

Rye Movie Club descended on All Saints Hall, Hastings in force on Friday 20th March. The occasion was the first Inter-Club Competition between the Rye and Hastings groups for the RX Trophy
What a night it turned out to be for Rye. First came the Raffle which resulted in every single prize going to a Rye member – it proved a foretaste of things to come.
The Rye film was ‘The Sun is burning’ by David Smeed, a brilliant visual film depicting, by association, the horrors of War and the rewards of Peace. This film, probably the most notable by a club member for several years, had already won the ‘Record Competition’ and must be favourite for the Best Film of the Year Award.
At Hastings the three judges were unanimous in their decisions that ‘The Sun is Burning’ was a better film than the Hastings entry ‘The Chase’, so Rye became the first Club to hold the RX Trophy’. As the Rye Chairman, Councillor Reynolds, commented RX is the Rye fishing registration number and it is fitting that the trophy should go Home’.
East Sussex Inter Club Film Competition
Rye Movie Society, winners of the East Sussex inter-club competition for the first three years after its inauguration in 1964 wet. unable to regain the trophy for the fourth successive year. The Competition, held at Eastbourne was won by Battle and Hastings. who tied for first place.
“Rye’s Own” April 1970
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