The Miss Rye’s Own 1971 Final
These six young ladies, are the finalists in the 1971 Miss Rye’ s Own’ Competition Continue reading Miss Rye’s Own Final 1971
These six young ladies, are the finalists in the 1971 Miss Rye’ s Own’ Competition Continue reading Miss Rye’s Own Final 1971
The Rye Bonfire Society’s Summer Show held at Rye Market on the 18th July Continue reading Summer Show
The five young ladies pictured below are the finalists in the 1970 ‘Miss RSheila Cockett, ye’s Own’ Competition. You, our readers, are asked to judge the final. Just Continue reading Miss Rye’s Own Finalists 1970
The eight young ladies pictured below are the finalists in the 1969 “Miss Rye’s Own” competition. You, our readers, are asked to judge the final. Just pick out who you think should be “Miss Rye’s Own, 1969”. and send a post card with your
choice to “Miss Rye’s Own” Office, 6 Cinque Ports Street, Rye. Sign your name on Continue reading Miss Rye’s Own Finalists 1969
1967 fades into 1968, this is the time of year when we look back over the past twelve months and reflect on the events that have taken place. What kind of year has it been for Rye in general. Continue reading Retrospect 1967
The six young ladies pictured are the finalists in the 1967 Miss Rye’s Own Competition. You, our readers, are asked to judge the final. Just pick out who you Continue reading Miss Rye’s Own 1967