Rye Maritime Festival 2008

Rain Did Not Stop the Fun

The Maritime Festival seems cursed with bad weather. Despite this,
however, the day was a great success and a large crowd enjoyed the
many attractions and spectacle of the boats and yachts bedecked with
bunting. Continue reading Rye Maritime Festival 2008

The Amazing Story of a Rye Shipyard

Mrs. Pollington nee’ Jempson of Crowborough has loaned “Rye’s Own” a wonderful photo and cuttings album recording the history of one of Rye’s most famous ship building yards. There are many previously unpublished photographs recording ship building at the yard from the 1880’s to after World War Two, when the yard built ships for the Admiralty that went to war in the Pacific Ocean against the Japanese. This is just a first installment, the album opens with a brief history of the yard written in 1946. Continue reading The Amazing Story of a Rye Shipyard

Aground in the Bay

Aground in the Bay

Old photographs by kind permission of Mr. B. Jones

The sea has been a magnet to man since the first recorded history of the world, it first provided food and then presented a challenge. The challenge was accepted, first by the Vikings from Scandinavia then by the English and Spaniards, and Continue reading Aground in the Bay