RYE TOWN HALL  by Gemma Pocock.

The hanging baskets and troughs of flowers outside Rye Town Hall took my eye as I passed by the other day. I knew a bit about St. Mary’s Church, Ypres Tower and The Landgate but very little about this imposing building. I was fascinated by what I found, hence this little piece about it. Continue reading RYE TOWN HALL

The Landgate In Old Times

J. L. DEACON F. R. Hist. S. printed the first edition his his amazing “Ancient Rye” early in the 20th. century, the fifth edition hit the bookstands in 1927 and contains this great picture of the Landgate in Georgian times. Continue reading The Landgate In Old Times

Town Manager’s “Pride in Rye” Targets Recycling and Graffiti

The aim of this year’s Pride in Rye was to move on from the more traditional activities of tidying neglected areas and litter-picking to a more “pro-active” approach of correct litter/ waste disposal. Continue reading Town Manager’s “Pride in Rye” Targets Recycling and Graffiti

Fatal Car Crash

The first recorded motor accident fatality occurred in Rye on 25 March 1905.

These remarkable photographs by local photographer Mr. Whiteman, and the accompanying report and drawing from a Rye newspaper tell the whole story in vivid detail. Continue reading Fatal Car Crash