Spring Fashion Comes to Town
by our Fashion Correspondent
What a swinging time the audience had at Rose-Anne’s Fashion Parades on March 14, at the George Hotel in aid of The National Cancer Relief Fund.
The large audience at both shows gave Margot Grahame a most wonderful reception when she opened the shows and spoke with great feeling, how this scourge is being fought and gradually overcome.
The Commere was a great personality in Miss Caroline Grey, The Squeezy Mum on I.T.V.
The Parade was varied, it held the audience entranced at the terrific stock held by this boutique, great fun were the trouser suits and the culotte evening dresses. The flower and organza hats brought many “ohs and “ahs.” The models modelled clothes from 36 to 46 inch hips and all ensembles were Charming and most wearable for our everyday lives.
All shades of pink were shown and black and white is almost ousting navy and white for the great Spring favourite.
Amazingly the Stetson hat seems to be able to be worn extremely well by all ages
They are big news with the young ones, but surprisingly they are not the prerogative of the swinging chics.

The easy multi-coloured semi-fitted shifts were in pastels and gorgeous sizzling colours to greet the sun.
Rose-Anne repeated the innovation she created last year by asking Bennetts the men’s shop to co-operate with her with male models showing the latest in men’s gear and this was fun for the audience and extremely well done. Great credit due to all the models in this new venture.

Mrs. Griffiths said a few words welcoming Mr. Macer, who is Chairman of the local National Cancer Relief Society and expressed the pleasure we all felt at seeing him so well recovered from his recent illness. He was here in two capacities and she hoped he didn’t feel as if he had two heads
The Mayor had written a personal letter to Mrs. Griffiths saying how sorry he was not to be able to be present at the parade but he had a previous engagement but was sure Mr. Macer would enjoy coming in his stead and of course he also came as Chairman in his own right. At the end of the afternoon show Miss Margot Grahame was presented with an orchid corsage from the bride and in the evening was presented with a carnation bouquet and warmly thanked by Mrs. Griffiths for making her special journey for the day from London to help the cause.
Rye’s Own April 1967
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