Important Meeting at Tilling Green

A meeting at Tilling Green Community Centre kicked off a great idea that could result in the revival of former Rye Annual Events, help existing events and encourage Rye United Football Club to live again. Twenty people, including some of the best ‘committee workers’ in the land, attended and with Councillor Mike Boyd in the Chair.

Some of those attending the meeting
Some of those attending the meeting

Continue reading Important Meeting at Tilling Green

Rye’s Greatest All Rounder

Down Rye Way


By M. J. P.

The Oxford Dictionary describes the word sportsman as a person who regards life as a game in which his opponents must be allowed fair play, a person ready to play a bold game”—what better way then to introduce you to William (Blower) Pierce—Rye’s finest sportsman. Continue reading Rye’s Greatest All Rounder