Malcolm Saville

By Mick McGarry

This book might be described as the consummation of a love affair. I cannot remember when I first came to Rye, and have lost count of how many times I have returned. Now that I live in her sister ‘Ancient Towne’ Of Winchelsea it is as if I have never left this corner of Sussex where history has been fashioned, and which means so much to those who have discovered it. Continue reading Malcolm Saville

The Ron Dellar Way

To The Editor – “Rye’s Own” – September 2002

I had intended to write in rage about the practice of Rother District Council of harvesting taxes raised in Rye in order to spend them largely for the benefit of residents in Bexhill. Assuming of course that those residents do benefit from lavish expenditure on the De La Warr Pavilion or from failed Pop Festivals amongst other things. Continue reading The Ron Dellar Way