Rye at War

War Comes to Rye

Rye went to war on 3 September 1939 – As war was declared a German Coaster was still tied up at The Strand. The German family who crewed her were well known and liked in Rye, They had been bringing in timber from the Baltic and Continue reading Rye at War

Can We Have Our Bomb Back

Please can we have our bomb back?


Rye’s bomb has been stolen — and not just the bomb and up to perhaps £50 in cash inside, but the trolley, padlock and chain, screwed very firmly to the wall outside the F.E Centre, which is what really mystifies its keeper, Keith Boreham. The bomb was part of a batch which fell in and around the Old Brickyard one Sunday morning in August 1940. It failed to explode, and Tom Upton, who was assisting the Bomb Disposal Squad, asked if he could have it as a souvenir — “they reluctantly agreed”, his account says — and in due course he chiselled and then Continue reading Can We Have Our Bomb Back