Mum’s Dad’s Babies Swim at Rye Pool


On Friday’s at the Rye Swimming Pool there is more than splashing going on, there is singing, gurgling, cooing and yes, you guessed it, some yelling but mostly smiling babies and parents as they support their little ones in the pool under the watchful eye of instructor Ruth Heyes. The parent baby group was formed by Community Nursery Nurse Linda Brown with the help of Simon Richardson who works at the centre.

The babies and parents gather at 0930 every Friday and into the pool they go then are introduced to water play with teacher Ruth who above the music of nursery rhymes explained that it is more than just play, “the earlier they get into the pool the better as they become confident in the water.” Then, to the tune of “Two fat sausages in the frying pan, one went “pop” and one went.

Rye Swimming Pool
Rye Swimming Pool
Rye Swimming Pool May 2004
Rye Swimming Pool May 2004


Starting Young at the Rye Pool
Starting Young at the Rye Pool

“bang”, the babies were gently bobbed under the water and raised up again in a split second. Ruth, who has specialized in teaching parents, babies, toddlers and preschool children for ten years, added, “that this particular routine teaches children to get comfortable with total immersion in the water and is a great asset toward preschool classes because they are already water confident,” she went on, “Survival techniques are also taught in this exercise as the babies start out facing the inner aspect of the pool but are turned around by their parent to face the side of the pool which later on will become a learned behaviour should they get into difficulties.”

Babies, toddlers and young children’s classes are available and registration is open ended. Babies can start after their immunisations. For further advise ask your health visitor and for schedule / information call Rye Sports Centre at 01797 224747.

Rye’s Own May 2004

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