Ray Levett making up for 45 lost years!

This interesting story and picture first appeared in one of our first issues of “Hastings Town”. We have not been able to get in touch with Ray up to the time of printing but hope he and his good lady are fit and well and have a great Christmas. (Editor)

By Ray Levett

I wondered if you might be interested in a story associated with the attached picture. I was born in Hastings in 1943 and spent my first 18 years living in Coventry Road, Hollington. Continue reading Ray Levett making up for 45 lost years!

Fom The Regal To Rye

The Melody Lingers on Don Valentine remembering the sound of LOCAL THEATRE ORGANS – PAST & PRESENT

Whenever I hear the strains of Ravels BOLERO , I am seated in the Circle of the Regal Super Cinema taken there by a visiting aunt to see “Bolero” starring amongst others George Raft, Carole Lombard and Ray Milland. If you recognise these names, stay aboard for a journey into nostalgia…………………… Continue reading Fom The Regal To Rye


By Tony May

As ‘The Clean Up Man’ I have now been ‘patrolling’ the streets of Hollington for well over a year and the amount of cans, bottles, crisp bags, cigarette packets, fag butts and other items I have personally picked up and ‘escorted’ to a public waste bin must now run into thousands. Continue reading Rubbish

The Nags Head

The Nags Head Gensing Road

By John Hodges

The first reference to the parish of St.Leonard occurs in 1372, it is contained within a return of the parish churches in the liberty of Hastings made by the Bailiff. Although this ancient church appears to have disappeared sometime in the fifteenth century, it can be placed in the present day Norman Road. During the construction of the recently redundant Methodist church the existence of such a building was confirmed when the old graveyard was disturbed. When James Burton first decided to build his new town on part of the old Manor of Gensing, it straddled two parishes. That of St.Leonard was one, whilst the other was St Mary Magdalene named not after an ancient church, but more likely after the old hospital of that name, long since disappeared but the revenues of which continue Continue reading The Nags Head

Mark Rymell’s Pier Project

I have to admit that I am one of the world’s worst hoarders. Fiercely sentimental, I have a real problem in throwing things away and keep every letter I receive from personal friends would you believe! Continue reading Mark Rymell’s Pier Project