Living On The Marsh

By Jimper


Living as I did, and still do on the marsh, one could not go further than two hundred yards without coming into contact with it. Water was all around one; the sea to the south and the River Brede to the north being the two largest obstacles to keep we kids in our area. The whole marsh is fence-less with only the odd gatepost to hinder your view to the hills of the west. The east had massive shingle banks that have in the last forty years been extracted to leave large lakes further east. The River Rother flows to the sea via Rye where my River Brede joins to swell its flow. Continue reading Living On The Marsh

A Bold Plan To Restore Democracy To Rye And The District


On Monday the 14 November at Rye Community Centre the steering committee for the Campaign for a Democratic Rye set out their plan for a return of power to Rye Town Council. Continue reading A Bold Plan To Restore Democracy To Rye And The District