Vintage World Spring 2019
The SPRING issue of our new magazine VINTAGE WORLD Will be available soon. It is a SUBSCRIPTION ONLY HARD COPY PUBLICATION delivered to your door anywhere in the United Kingdom for £20 per year (four seasonal issues).
Order your magazines by PayPal button below, or by cheque for £20, made out to Cinque Ports Magazines Rye Limited. Send to Guinea Hall Lodge, Sellindge, Kent TN25 6EG. Alternatively send name and address and pay £20 direct into our bank 20-02-62 Acc. No. 83865096. The SPRING issue will be with you at the end of March.
The Spring issue contains articles, features or pictures pertaining to the following.
Jive Aces : Featuring The Big Beat Review.
Model Girls from the Swinging Sixties : Original photographs taken at the 1964 Photo Fair
Yellow Rolls Royce : Pictures and feature on this fantastic car with the Dulcettes
Victoria & Holly of the Dulcettes: Are our Cover Girls

Scott Elvis Feature : Is Scott the best Elvis? Two page article on Scott and ‘The King’.

Many pictures from Past War & Peace Revival Events: pictures of Adam Hoffman,Holly Chambers, Victoria Bass, Viv the Spiv, Rosie Apples, Holly Foster, Kitten Von Mew, Amy Baker, Jive Aces, Cassidy Jansen and so many others.
War on your doorstep: Richard Holdsworth’s photographs of Rocker Rod of the Cinque Ports Lindy Hoppers, Viv the Spiv, Gypsy John, Paulette Merrimen, Kevin Quaife, Richard Holdsworth and the Battle of Britain Flight
Pictures from the Golden Age of Steam
Grassington Dickensian Festival: Tony May, Hastings Town’s favourite journalist, illustrates a four page feature article with pictures from the Yorkshire Dales popular annual festival.
1929 Bentley Visits one of the most famous Inns in England

Rallycross the Television Sporting sensation of the 1960: Featuring Champion Rod Chapman and the story of how the event was specially created for television.
Cassidy Jenson: West End Musical leading lady and fabulous singer of vintage music who often performes with the most active band in the land The Jive Aces. Photographs by Katalina Kat
Invasion of the Mods: The story of a sunny weekend in Hastings in 1964. Including picture of singer Karen Moses on the actual original Lambretta used in the film Quadraphenia

Six Spoons – Like it or lump it: The story of a WWII Evacuee by Richard Holdsworth.
Catalina Kat – Roving Photographer
Coachlines: The man who paints coachlines on Royal Vehicles.
The Barnes Wallis Motorcycle : Ridden by singer Karen Moses
Cinque Ports Bulletin March 2019
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Lodge Sellindge TN25 6EG