Arthur’s Cinque Ports Street

By Arthur Woodgate

The sea until 1300 would have washed the north side of Rye with a causeway across to Rye Hill. Wrecks of ships have been found in streets north of the Town wall and of boats where the town ditch was. Continue reading Arthur’s Cinque Ports Street

Rise & Fall Part Two

The Rise and Fall of Rye’s Industry and Commerce

Part 2

By Arthur Woodgate

In the nineteenth century, on a ridge of high ground, in the part of greater Heathfield known as Punnetts Town, there were two windmills. One ground the corn, but it is the other, the one that worked wood working machinery, that this piece of history is concerned. Continue reading Rise & Fall Part Two

Theatre & Cinema in Rye

Many of these ‘Memories’ came from Jo’ Kirkham’s “Memories” series.

We were given the first mention of a theatre by Mrs M. Allen. She
described Mr. John West’s visiting ” Rye Theatre”. This was a canvas
structure erected on Crown Field, before World War 1. it had a fresh
production every night, but soon closed for lack of funds. Continue reading Theatre & Cinema in Rye