Rye’s popular Town Crier, Rex Swain and his lovely wife Rita, celebrated 50 years of happy marriage at the Mermaid on Saturday 1 October. Surrounded by family and friends they recalled their Wedding Day in 1955 and of dancing to Eric Winston’s Band on their honeymoon.

Rex at – tended the Rye County Secondary School in New Road and met Rita at a local village Dance. They were married at Rye Church.
Rex worked for many years for Spun Concrete during which time he was involved in delivering and constructing the giant circular concrete sections for the new Dungeness Lighthouse.
In 2001 he was chosen for the position of Rye Town Crier, a post into which he thr ew his whole heart. He is cer-tainly a most popular Town Crier and has helped to raise thousands of pounds for local causes and other charities with his willing participation.

Rita and Rex are a very suited couple, they have enjoyed their first 50 years together and are an example of a truly happy marriage. Everyone at “Rye’s Own” and indeed, the whole town of Rye which they have both supported so well, wish them many more years of happiness and hope they enjoyed their ‘Golden Wedding Honeymoon’ cruising in the Mediterranean.
From “Rye’s Own “ November 2005
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