A meeting at Tilling Green Community Centre kicked off a great idea that could result in the revival of former Rye Annual Events, help existing events and encourage Rye United Football Club to live again. Twenty people, including some of the best ‘committee workers’ in the land, attended and with Councillor Mike Boyd in the Chair.

This Exploratory meeting looked at ways of bringing all Rye Events Committees and sports clubs under the umbrella of one insurance, greatly reducing the cost and bringing expertise together to produce the risk assessments that are required by Health & Safety for every organised event and function before insurance can be obtained.
Jack Ash mooted ideas on a ‘help on the day pool of volunteers’ that would be available to assist with the functioning of events.
Many events were discussed and it seems that Rye United members can see a way forward to getting the club off the ground again. John Tolhurst said that negotiations are afoot to get a new pitch and Councillor Boyd and Councillor Cheryl Creaser said they would do all they could to help.
Rye Sports Day was also mentioned and with an active Cycling Club and Runners Club in the town it would seem a good time for them to get together and look at the possibilities.
Brian Clifton, whose post on Ryes Own News was the catalyst that lead to the meeting, wanted to see the continuation of the Maritime Festival and return of the Pram Race.
Sue Clay, President of Rye Lions, told the meeting that the Raft Race would be going ahead next year but that new members were needed.
Bernard Clark said very little, but must have approved as he did not moan once and told me afterwards that he would be riding in the first cycle race if Rye Sports Day was revived.
It was decided that the group be called the ‘Rye Events Umbrella’ and that a committee would be formed at a meeting on Wednesday 7 October at Tilling Green 7 pm. to which representatives from all Rye Clubs and Committees would be invited. Any one with and interest in helping out in any way will also be very welcome to come along.
Rye’s Own 9 September 2015
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