
Those who went to the Ferry Road Primary School in the years just after the War will be especially interested in the 1946 Staff Photograph that is publish on page twenty-six. What a fine bunch of teachers they were. It seems almost impossible that almost sixty years have passed since I and my contemporaries joined Miss Baker’s class in the last year of World War Two. Looking back at those austere times it is amazing, that with so little equipment, the children of Rye were taught so well. When we look around and see what our schoolmates of those days have achieved in life the value of those amazing teachers can be judged.

Now the Ferry Road School lies in a pile of rubble with vegetation gradually obliterating its remains. What a waste of a fine site and such sound buildings erected just before the War when schools were built to last Should we be crying over the demise of the buildings, bulldozed in an act of wanton vandalism by East Sussex County Council? You bet we should.

The Doctor’s want a new surgery, this would be the ideal site but there are building prohibitions because of the flood danger! What a pity this was not thought of when the school closed and the buildings demolished. There would have been enough property left over to house the new Library too!

                        TWO GOOD FRIENDS

“Rye’s Own” lost two good friends this month. Patrick ‘Pat’ Fannon and Rhona Sherridan.

‘Pat’ was always around the town and will be missed by many whom he helped over the years. He overcame a problem in his life that took him to the pit of despair. He struggled back to his feet and has spent a large part of his time since then assisting others. Most of his deeds have gone unrecorded save in the memories of those to benefit from his wise council.

Rhona Sherridan ‘nee’ Wall was born in Rye and although living away from the town for many years has always kept in touch. Several articles recounting her young days in the town were published in “Rye’s Own” during the past two years. Alas Rhona died on Friday 30 January. Our condolences go to her family and friends.

                      Rye Memorial Care Centre.

On page 28 in the last section of our Royal Visitors article we have omitted the date of Princess Margaret’s visit to open the Care Centre. The Centre was in fact opened by HRH Princess Margaret in November 1995 and is now an invaluable part of the local community.

Although it receives some professional and financial support from the local NHS Trust for the Medical Wing, its future cannot be assured without continual fund-raising. Fund-raising begins with F-U-N, and recent events have included Quiz Nights, Art Exhibitions, Wine-tasting (and drinking!) and every sector of the local community has been involved, from schools to tourists and visitors to Rye, from young dancers to individuals who have lived for many years in the area. We are also very proud to have Paul McCartney as our Life Patron.

If you would like further information on the Care Centre and its work, or would like to find out how you can help, e-mail Ann Hostler at rhandc@memcare. freeserve.co.uk, or telephone 01797 223810

More details from the Rye Memorial Care website.

From “Rye’s Own” March 2004

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