Rye Council agreed in principle to the new town plan which includes a Marina and substantial housing on sites to the North and South of the River Brede.
After heated discussion the overall plan accepted by a majority decision. but with many reservations. Councillor Roger Breeds pointed out that if the Strand Quay was ‘locked off’ boats using the moorings would have much less access to the sea than they have at present and it would lead to far less usage of the facility, especially by boats visiting from the Continent. Mayor Paul Carey was worried that the overall scheme would not be implemented, only the profitable house building programme. Councillor Frank Palmer said the scheme would spoil the outlook from Rye and violate the green belt around the Ancient Town.

Councillor John Izod claimed it was an “opportunity not to be missed. It would create jobs. Rye is dying on its feet at the moment”
Councillor Peter Dyce was also strongly in favour of the project and spoke eloquently in its support.
The map above is a rough projection of the layout of the scheme. The Strand would be ‘locked off’ near where the Tillingham/Brede joins the Rother. There would be a footbridge over the top of the lock leaving water in the Strand and Marina at all times.
Rye’s Own January 2004
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